Accelerate the implementation resolution targets in 2023

Friday - 24/02/2023 14:33 3405
(BP Portal) - In the afternoon of February 23, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of Binh Phuoc Provincial Party Committee - Mr. Nguyen Manh Cuong; Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Council - Mrs. Huynh Thi Hang presided over briefings with party building committees of the province, party cadres, party unions, provincial socio-political unions; Provincial Standing Committee; districts, towns, city committees and party committees directly under the Provincial Party Committee in order to grasp the implementation of tasks in the first 2 months of 2023; difficult problems, problems in implementation and recommendations and proposals.
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In the first 2 months of 2023, the Provincial Party Committee, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Standing Committee of the Province have focused on leading and directing the committees, local authorities, departments, departments, branches, Central Committee The Viet Nam Fatherland Front, provincial unions to focus on performing tasks and recording positive results.

Regarding Tet care, the province has organized visits and gifts for policy beneficiaries with a total of 19,138 gifts, worth VND 9.5 billion; The Fatherland Front and unions at all levels mobilized 141,461 gifts with a total value of 71 billion 568 million VND. The Party staff of the Provincial People's Committee has directed the completion of the contents and dossiers submitted to the thematic meeting of the Provincial People's Council and has been approved by the Provincial People's Council with 6 thematic resolutions. The implementation of socio-economic development programs and plans of the province is led and directed by the Provincial People's Committee. In the first 2 months of the year, the provincial budget revenue was VND 1,941 billion 238 million, reaching 13.3% of the estimate assigned by the Ministry of Finance, reaching 12% of the estimate approved by the Provincial People's Council.

Implementation of the No. 17-CTr/TU action Programme of 30/9/2021 of the province Committee in implementing the Party Resolution XIII Congress and the Resolution of the 11th Provincial Party Congress, by far, 58/58 documents of the Province Committee, the Standing Committee of the Party, the Party committees, the Standing Committees of the province, the districts, cities, committees and their subordinate party committees have been actively implementing them and have issued documents to concise the guiding documents of the province Committee.

In the Party building, the political system; The inspection and supervision work; The mobilization and operation of the Fatherland Front and mass organizations shall continue to be carried out in accordance with the plan and plan set. With regard to the internal affairs, prevention of corruption and negative activities, the province is working on a project on prevention against corruption and negative activities; The provincial steering Committee regularly directs, monitors complex cases and cases. Defense and security shall be maintained; Social order, safety ensures.

At the conference, it was suggested that stronger and more specific party development guidelines should be provided in terms of encouragement to private enterprises in party development, but these have not been effective to this day. Mechanisms are needed to attract enterprise investment in the fields of waste collection and treatment; The levels of committees should take keen interest in the replication of movements and models for typical replication, and play the roles and valor of the people in the prevention and fight against corruption and negativity; Localities are more interested in building a national Standard school...

Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee – Mr. Nguyen Manh Cuong emphasized: The briefing conference between the Standing Committee of the Province and the Party building committees of the Province, the Party Cadre Committee, the Party Delegation, the provincial socio-political unions, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Union, districts, towns, city committees,  Party committees directly under the Provincial Party Committee are piloted, through which the Standing Committee of the Province captures the work and directs and urges the implementation of tasks, as well as promoting the creativity of the units.

On the basis of opinions and recommendations at the conference, Provincial Party Committee Secretary- Mr. Nguyen Manh Cuong proposed: Units should carefully review and prepare the mid-term preliminary implementation of the Resolution of the XI Provincial Party Congress. Committees at all levels should pay attention to the supervision and social criticism of the grassroots Fatherland Front. 2023 is an important year, so the targets for implementing the resolution need to be accelerated and effective. The Office of the Provincial Committee and the Provincial Committee for Propaganda shall coordinate in advising on the implementation of resolutions, directives, conclusions... of Central full, effective./.
Translator: Ms. Thao

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