(BP Portal) - Binh Phuoc is a province in the Southeast region, with 11 districts, towns and cities, of which there are 3 border districts (Bu Gia Map, Bu Dop, Loc Ninh) adjacent to 3 provinces of the Kingdom of Cambodia (Mondulkiri, Kratie, Tboung Khmum), with a total length of the border line of 258,939km, with 28 major landmarks and 353 auxiliary landmarks.  Currently, Binh Phuoc province is managing 4 border gates (Hoa Lu international border gate, Hoang Dieu main border gate, Loc Thinh border gate, Tan Tien sub border gate) and 1 opening. As a transit area between the South of Tay Nguyen and the Southeast, Binh Phuoc has a very diverse topography, including plateaus, hills and plains.
binh phuoc
Administrative map of Binh Phuoc

Binh Phuoc province has a natural area of 6.873.56 km2 with 41 ethnic groups living together, a population of over 1.030.098 people, distributed over 11 district-level administrative units, including: 01 city (Dong Xoai)  , 03 towns (Phuoc Long, Binh Long, Chon Thanh), 07 districts (Dong Phu, Bu Dang, Bu Dop, Bu Gia Map, Loc Ninh, Hon Quan, Phu Rieng), with 111 communes, wards and towns.

Compared to other regions across the country, Binh Phuoc is considered a young land, associated with many brilliant historical landmarks along with unforgettable landmarks such as Phu Rieng Do, Ta Thiet Base, Soc Bom Bo, Dong Xoai Victory Site, Phuoc Long Victory Monument, VK96, VK98 (on Truong Son Road - Ho Chi Minh Road), End point of Ho Chi Minh Trail - 1973, The location of victory at the Tau O barricades…

After southern Liberation, national unity (30/4/1975), Binh Phuoc entered a new era of war reconstruction and the building of the homeland and the country to socialism. With several divisions and mergers, on 01/01/1997, Binh Phuoc Province was re-established and stabilized.

Located not far from ho Chi Minh City, the country's largest economic center, and a gateway to trade with Cambodia, Binh Phuoc has many opportunities to develop. In 2022, the province's economic growth grew by 9.1%, surpassing the proposed plan (set plan in 7-7.5%). Of this, the agriculture, forestry and fishery sectors increased 2.66%, the construction industry increased 16.24 percent (only 18.7% in the industry), services increased 8.73%, the product tax except product subsidies increased by 2.06%; The digital economy is five percent; Per capita GRDP was estimated at VND85.1 million (US $3,550), up 11.6% from 2021. The province's 2022 budget revenue estimate is VND14.535 billion, which is equal to 119% of Ministry of Finance's draft allocation, and reaches 102% for the draft adjustment of provincial People's Councils to pass and increase 6% over 2021 (according to the report of provincial People's Committees).

The climatic characteristics of Pyongyang, which is well suited to high economic value growing industrial crops such as rubber, casheh, coffee and pepper, have created enormous potential for economic development of Binh Phuoc. As of 25/11/2022, the whole province has 441.364 hectares of perennial trees, annual trees and about 75% of the Binh Phuoc population working in agriculture; Fruit trees currently have 12.062 hectares; The province's major perennial industrial tree consists of tree (151,135 ha), pepper (14,941 ha), rubber (244,698 ha), and coffee (14,588 ha), with a total area of currently 425,362 ha. there are 170,855 hectares of forestry land, accounting for 27.72% of agricultural production land. As of November 2022, cattle numbered 12,720 head, cows 39,170 head, pigs 1,711,590 head, and 13,817 thousand head (as reported by the Provincial Statistics Department).

As of 15 November 2022, the number of enterprises registered locally was 10,672 enterprises (excluding dissolved enterprises), with a registered capital of 186,294,499 million VND; The 2022 building consists of 299 cooperative ventures. For domestic investment attraction, the contract reached 45 projects with a registered capital of VND 10,800 billion in 2022 and reached 108% of the plan. In 2022, there were 1,220 projects with a capital of 116,908 billion VND. Attracting estimated foreign investment to reach 37 projects with new registered and adjusted capital of USD 150 million, reaching 37.5 % of the plan; The rampart in 2022 has 370 projects with a capital of US $465.7 million (according to the provincial Peoples' Committee).

For the construction of new rural areas, by the end of 2022, 3 out of 11 municipal districts shall have completed the task of construction of new rural areas and 2 out of 11 districts shall achieve the new rural standard. The proportion of the population using water in proper sanitation was 98.8%. As of November 2022, There are 1.145.201 telephone subscribers within the province, of which 9,501 are fixed, 1.135,700 are mobile; Telephone subscribers reaching 112/100, Internet subscribers reaching 93/100; Cable television has 89,007 subscribers (according to the report of the provincial People's Committee).

In terms of digital transformation activity, the province has been given a comprehensive boost to the DTI results in 2021 (Figure Transformation Assessment Index) by the province ranked 9/63 provinces, national cities (published August 2022). Digital administration has been developed with the modernisation of administrative operations, digital application, electronic texts, paperless meetings, delivery and use of online public services. The provinces have established 111 commune-level technology groups with 1.080 members and 845 community incubates with 5.426 members; Non-cash payment activities, implemented in the areas of construction, education and health, are continuing to expand to all other areas (as reported by the provincial People's Committees).
Number District / City Commune Town Ward
1 Dong Xoai Tien Hung
Tan Thanh
  Tan Dong
Tan Xuan
Tan Binh
Tan Thien
Tan Phu
Tien Thanh
2 Phuoc Long Phuoc Tin
Long Giang
  Thac Mo
Long Thuy
Long Phuoc
Phuoc Binh
Son Giang
3 Binh Long Thanh Phu
Thanh Luong
  Phu Thinh
Hung Chien
Phu Duc
An Loc
4 Chon Thanh Minh Lap
Quang Minh
Nha Bich
Minh Thang
  Hung Long
Minh Hung
Minh Long
Minh Thanh
Thanh Tam
5 Dong Phu Tan Phuoc
Thuan Loi
Tan Loi
Tan Lap
Dong Tam
Thuan Phu
Tan Hung
Dong Tien
Tan Tien
Tan Hoa
Tan Phu  
6 Hon Quan An Phu
Thanh Binh
Dong No
Tan Quan
Phuoc An
Thanh An
Tan Hung
Tan Loi
Minh Tam
Tan Hiep
An Khuong
Minh Duc
Tan Khai  
7 Loc Ninh Loc Thuan
Loc Khanh
Loc Hung
Loc Phu
Loc Dien
Loc Thinh
Loc Tan
Loc Hoa
Loc Thach
Loc Hiep
Loc Thai
Loc An
Loc Thien
Loc Thanh
Loc Quang
Loc Ninh  
8 Bu Dang Doan Ket
Dong Nai
Duc Lieu
Tho Son
Phuoc Son
Binh Minh
Duong 10
Dak Nhau
Phu Son
Bom Bo
Thong Nhat
Minh Hung
Nghia Trung
Dang Ha
Nghia Binh
Duc Phong  
9 Bu Dop Tan Tien
Phuoc Thien
Thanh Hoa
Tan Thanh
Thien Hung
Hung Phuoc
10 Bu Gia Map Bu Gia Map
Binh Thang
Da Kia
Dak O
Phuoc Minh
Duc Hanh
Phu Van
Phu Nghia
11 Phu Rieng Phu Rieng
Binh Tan
Binh Son
Phuoc Tan
Long Tan
Long Binh
Phu Trung
Bu Nho
Long Hung
Long Ha

The Provincial People's Committe
6/1 Street, Tan Phu ward, Dong Xoai city, Binh Phuoc province.
Tel: (+84) 271.3879481
Fax: (+84)271.3879481
Website: www.binhphuoc.gov.vn
Invesment, Trade and Tourism Promotion Center
National Road 14, Phu Cuong quarter, Tan Phu ward, Dong Xoai city, Binh Phuoc province
Tel: (+84) 271.3818662
Fax: (+84)271.3818667
Website: www.binhphuocittpc.gov.vn
Department of Planning and Investment
626 National Highway No. 14, Tan Phu ward, Dong Xoai city, Binh Phuoc province.
Tel: (+84) 271.3879253
Fax: (+84) 271.3887088
Economic Zone Authority
680 National Highway No. 14,Tan Phu ward, Dong Xoai city, Binh Phuoc province.
Tel: (+84) 271.3887523
Fax: (+84)271.3887523
Department of Industry and Trade
Hung Vuong street, Tan Binh ward, Dong Xoai city, Binh Phuoc province.
Tel: (+84) 271.3881184
Fax: (+84) 271.3879199

Website: www.socongthuongbp.gov.vn

Translator: Ms.Thao​​​​​​​

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