Ba Ra mountain

Thursday - 03/03/2022 07:55 2186
(BP Portal) - Ba Ra is also known as Bonom Brah, in the Son Giang ward of the town of Phuoc Long.

At 723m above sea level, Ba Ra is the third highest mountain in the South by 1,200ha.

The route to the mountain's summit is steep, with 1,767 cubic steps, and consists of fresh-green trees, bamboo, and other trees.
1 Nui Ba Ra
2 Nui Ba Ra
3 Nui Ba Ra
Ba Ra is a sacred mountain, associated with many stories of the people of S'Tieng. There, the French built a prison system to exile revolutionary soldiers. But in good spirits, the army and people of Phuoc Long fought and won a great victory.

From the top of the mountain, you can see the beauty, the poetry of the Mo Falls and the little town of Phuoc Long.

In 1995, Ba Ra mountain was recognized by the Ministry of Culture and Information as a national historic and cultural site./.
Translator: Ms.Thao

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