Announce the prices of the main types of materials in the construction investment sector

Thursday - 10/03/2022 08:29 832
(BP Portal) - On 9 March, Binh Phuoc Provincial Construction Services announced prices for the main materials in the investment in construction in the province in February 2022.
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The announcement price (click see) is determined and published at listed prices by the People's Committees of districts, towns and cities and the production and business units, with reference to market prices.

The publicizing price for materials is the principal price used as reference in making and managing the investment costs for construction of projects on the province Binh Phuoc. The settlement of settlement of expenditures shall comply with current provisions of law.

In case the prices of construction materials according to this announcement are not consistent with the market price level at the place of the construction projects and other types of construction materials not included in the pricing announcement, the investors, consulting organizations and relevant units shall comply with the guidance in the government's decree 10/2021/ ND-CP of February 9, 2021 on the management of construction investment costs.

When the units survey, determine the price of materials, propose making comments on the materials' having to meet the requirements on the quality of products or goods; the standards and technical criteria prescribed by the Law on the quality of products and goods; Standard and Standard Engineering./.
Translator: Ms.Thao

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