Natural picture of Bu Lach grassland

Wednesday - 02/03/2022 08:32 1377
(BP Portal) - Bu Lach is a primitive grassland, in Dong Nai commune, Bu Dang district, Binh Phuoc province.
In the middle of Bu Lach, there’s a big lake, surrounded by a vast primeval forests
This place consists of 20 different large and small grasslands with an area of up to 500 hectares.

In the middle of Bu Lach, there’s a big lake, surrounded by a vast primeval forests.

Bu Lach as a cool, green natural picture, woven by two main grass species: Kim grass, thread grass. 

This is the ideal picnic site, attracting inside and outside visitors.

Video about Bu Lach grassland
Translator: Ms.Thao

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