Eel -  The speciality of the Thac Mo lake

Saturday - 05/03/2022 10:13 1467
(BP Portal) - The Thac Mo area has one famous occupation: aquaculture on floating boats.

Eel - The speciality of the Thac Mo Lake
This is where the most famous fish is catfish, gobies…, the most unique is the river eels, caught with a large eyenet net, weighing at least five kilograms per head.

The river eel is almost ubiquitous all year, and its meat is strong, fat, sweet, and it is delicious. Best baked, because it keeps the rustic flavor of fish. They cook along with old incense bananas, creating an extremely attractive banana eel.

To capture the taste, you may enjoy a dried mango roll with halfbeak that has a sour, crisp, delicious , etc taste.
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The Thac Mo area has one famous occupation: aquaculture on floating boats
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The most unique is the river eels, caught with a large eyenet net, weighing at least five kilograms per head
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Best baked, because it keeps the rustic flavor of fish
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They cook along with old incense bananas, creating an extremely attractive banana eel
Translastor: Ms. Thao

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