Which organizations will collect environmental protection fees for wastewater?

Thứ năm - 07/05/2020 10:42 1.188 0
BPPortal-Department of Natural Resources and Environment is allowed to collect environmental protection fee for industrial waste water from facilities under the management in the area.
Which organizations will collect environmental protection fees for wastewater?
Clean water providers collect environmental protection charges for domestic wastewater from organizations, households and individuals using clean water provided by them.

The People's Committees of wards and townships collect environmental protection charges for domestic wastewater of business organizations, households and individuals in their localities to exploit water for their own use.

The content above is stipulated in Article 3 of Decree 53/2020 / ND-CP dated 05/5/2020 of the Government on stipulating environmental protection charges for wastewater. This Decree takes effect from July 1, 2020 and replaces the Government's Decree No. 154/2016 / ND-CP of November 16, 2016, on environmental protection charges for wastewater.

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