Cultivation progress of Winter-Spring crop 2019-2020

Thứ tư - 15/04/2020 16:11 2.318 0
(BP Portal) - Cultivation progress of Winter-Spring crop in 2019-2020, The whole province is estimated to achieve 6,553 hectares, down 12.86% (967 hectares) compared to the same period last year.
cay lua
Winter-Spring crop in 2019-2020
According to data and analysis of Statistical Office of Binh Phuoc province, the area of ​​sweet potato and cassava has decreased sharply in the first 3 months of 2020, mainly is due to drought, low prices. Besides, the cultivated area of ​​rice, corn (maize), vegetables of all kinds also decreased slightly.

In the first 3 months of the year, the area of ​​sweet potato planted was 20 hectares, down 90 hectares; Cassava cultivated 772 hectares, down 35.88% (432 hectares) over the same period in 2019. The rice cultivated was 3,257 hectares, down 90 hectares, the estimated yield reached 3,948 tons, down 13.57%; corn on 434 hectares, down 15 hectares; vegetables of all kinds 1,261 ha, down 149 ha compared to the same period last year.

Rice is not a strong crop of Binh Phuoc, the most of the production is self-sufficient, effective not equal to other crops; The cultivated area of ​​rice tends to decrease, especially in the winter-spring crop, which often has difficulty in irrigation water. While corn area is largely intercropped, small scale by household. The cultivated area of ​​vegetables of all types decreased, due to prolonged drought.

Tác giả: T.T

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