Cultivation progress of Winter-Spring crop 2019-2020
Thứ tư - 15/04/2020 16:112.3180
(BP Portal) - Cultivation progress of Winter-Spring crop in 2019-2020, The whole province is estimated to achieve 6,553 hectares, down 12.86% (967 hectares) compared to the same period last year.
Winter-Spring crop in 2019-2020
According to data and analysis of Statistical Office of Binh Phuoc province, the area of sweet potato and cassava has decreased sharply in the first 3 months of 2020, mainly is due to drought, low prices. Besides, the cultivated area of rice, corn (maize), vegetables of all kinds also decreased slightly.
In the first 3 months of the year, the area of sweet potato planted was 20 hectares, down 90 hectares; Cassava cultivated 772 hectares, down 35.88% (432 hectares) over the same period in 2019. The rice cultivated was 3,257 hectares, down 90 hectares, the estimated yield reached 3,948 tons, down 13.57%; corn on 434 hectares, down 15 hectares; vegetables of all kinds 1,261 ha, down 149 ha compared to the same period last year.
Rice is not a strong crop of Binh Phuoc, the most of the production is self-sufficient, effective not equal to other crops; The cultivated area of rice tends to decrease, especially in the winter-spring crop, which often has difficulty in irrigation water. While corn area is largely intercropped, small scale by household. The cultivated area of vegetables of all types decreased, due to prolonged drought.