Industrial complex

Thứ năm - 02/07/2020 13:46 4.065 0
(BP Portal)- The industrial complexes are planned to develop in the province in accordance with the master plan of Vietnam, the socio-economic development plan, the land use plan, supporting industry plan, industrial development plan of the province and the guideline of the Prime Minister as specified in the Directive No. 07/CT-TTg on adjusting the management and improvement of operational performance for the industrial clusters.
 Development orientation
According to the socio-economic development plan, the local socio-economic development conditions of the areas to appeal investment into the industrial clusters, the main lines are included, concretely:
- Agroforestry and fishery product processing.
- Mechanical manufacturing industry.
- Electric and electronic engineering.
- Textile, garment, and leather footwear industry.
- Construction material production industry
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