Continuing to implement urgent measures to prevent and control Covid-19 in the province

Thứ năm - 16/04/2020 10:58 2.174 0
(BP Portal) -On April 15, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee issued an emergency call and requested departments, agencies, and mass organizations of the province; People's Committees of districts, towns, cities, and people in the province focus on seriously implementing the following contents:
Apply measures to limit the gathering of people, social distancing from 0 hours on 16/4/2020 to 22/4/2020.
Accordingly, restricting out of the house; When wearing out, wear a mask; wash hands frequently, keep a distance of contact with others at least 2m; Do not gather from 10 people or more outside the workplace, school, hospital.

Continue to stop meeting activities and events with more than 20 people in 01 room. For events that really need to be organized for political and economic purposes, they must be reported to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the provincial People's Committee for consideration, decision and implementation according to the Ministry's epidemic prevention and control guidance. Medical.

Stop festivals, religious ceremonies. Stop all cultural, sporting and recreational activities at public places; activities at historical sites, cultural sites, landscapes, museums, traditional houses ... in the province.

Business activities continue to stop:
Business and services stopped operating: karaoke; sauna massage; acupressure basis; beauty facilities, cosmetic surgery, physiotherapy; cinema; bar; discos; internet agent; points of providing public electronic game services; prize-winning games; Music Lounges; The club sings together; gyms, sports facilities, swimming pools; Entertainment points for children.

Enterprises, services and some types of businesses may continue to operate, but must strictly comply with the attached measures, including:
Cafes, restaurants..., Only open for sale take delivery, do not use on-site services; ensure the minimum distance between two people is 2m; implement anti-epidemic measures as prescribed; record all information of people going in and out (full name, address, phone contact); implement measures to strictly control food hygiene and safety.

Hair salon, computer shop, telephone, information technology equipment and household appliances; food and foodstuff business establishments; supermarkets, trade centers, convenience stores; markets, groceries, medicines, petrol, gas; Post and telecommunications services: Strictly implement measures to prevent and control Covid-19 diseases as recommended by the health sector; arrange staff to regulate the number of customers in and out to ensure no more than 10 people at a time; ensure the minimum distance between two people is 2m; Record all information of people going in and out (full name, address, phone contact).

For shops selling computers, telephones, information technology equipment and household appliances; food and foodstuff business establishments; supermarkets, shopping centers, convenience stores: Encourage use of online services, home delivery.

Factories; businesses; traffic and construction works; agents, shops trading in machinery and equipment for production and construction; banks, treasuries, service-providing establishments directly related to banking activities and supporting enterprises (such as notaries, lawyers, registry, registration of security transactions ...), securities, transportation support services, import and export of goods, medical examination and treatment, funerals, electricity, water ... will continue to operate. The heads of the above-mentioned facilities are responsible for ensuring absolute safety and fully implementing measures to prevent and control epidemics as prescribed./.

Tác giả: T.T - Hồ Lan

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