VN tops countries most supportive of Governments’ Covid-19 combat effort

Thứ hai - 27/04/2020 14:17 2.049 0
BPPortal- Viet Nam leads the list of countries where citizens support most for their governments’ efforts to combat COVID-19, according to the latest polling data from the company YouGov.

The surveyed found that 95% of Vietnamese people think their Government is handling the pandemic “very” or “somewhat” well.

Of the 26 countries measured by the YouGov researchers, Viet Nam also exhibits the highest level of COVID-19 fear; 89% of the Vietnamese population are “very” or “somewhat” concerned they will contract the disease.

Despite a population of 95 million and a close proximity to the source of the outbreak, Viet Nam has yet to report a single COVID-19 death.

Meanwhile, France’s daily Le Monde published an article titled “Viet Nam's successful ‘spring offensive’ against COVID-19”. 

It quoted World Health Organization Representative to Viet Nam Kidong Park as saying that risk assessment was done in early January, shortly after China announced the first infections. 

“Viet Nam has obtained prodigious results,” former French Ambassador to Viet Nam Jean-Noël Poirier wrote to Causeur magazine while staying at a Ha Noi hospital after contracting COVID-19. 

He also confirmed the transparency of the Vietnamese Government in publishing new COVID-19 infections and fatalities, stressing that the hospitals are not overwhelmed and the flow of patients, inbound and outbound, is under control.

Earlier, on April 23, The Telegraph ran an article “Viet Nam lifts lockdown: How a country of 95m bordering China recorded zero coronavirus deaths.”

Despite its 1000km border with China, Viet Nam has managed to keep the virus under control thanks to a robust pandemic response plan that was forged after recent deadly brushes with other high-risk infections disease, including SARS and H5N1.

According to the newspaper, Vietnamese strategy focused on a combination of targeted, rigorous contact-tracing and testing to swiftly contain small clusters of Covid-19 before they spread further.

This is a result of careful and extensive monitoring of public travel and regular temperature checking at airports, border gates and public places, as well as well managing centralized quarantine areas, it said./.

Tác giả: Source: VGP NEWS

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