The driving force for Southeast region development

Monday - 27/03/2023 16:44 578

Part 2: crystallizing wisdom, strong confidence

Resolution No. 24-NQ/TW of the Politburo is considered the "key," an essential political basis for the birth of new mechanisms and policies, contributing to a breakthrough change in the renovation and socio-economic development process, ensuring national defense and security in the Southeast region. The Resolution clearly shows the spirit of innovation and the high determination of our Party and State for the region's development. When implementing and studying the Resolution, most officials and party members highly appreciated Politburo's policy on issuing the Resolution on regional development in the current conditions, especially after the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you want to go far, go together

Resolution No. 24 thoroughly grasped the spirit of the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress on regional development; inherit, supplement, and develop the standpoints of Resolution No. 53-NQ/TW into new guiding perspectives suitable to the new context and situation. Many contents of the Resolution clearly show the spirit of innovation and the high determination of the Party to create significant and breakthrough changes in the Southeast region development.

Professor Dr. Nguyen Khac Thuan, former director of the Vietnam Records Research Institute, affirmed that Resolution No.24 continues to define the Southeast region's strategic position and vital role in politics, economy, culture, society, national defense, security, and foreign affairs. Therefore, it is required to develop quickly and sustainably, suitable for the position and strategic role of the most significant development driving force region, the country's economic locomotive.

The delegation of Politburo members, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, and Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court Nguyen Hoa Binh visited the complex diagram of CPV Food-Binh Phuoc Factory in Zone B, Becamex-Binh Phuoc Industrial Park on March 15, 2023

The Politburo especially emphasized: It is necessary to innovate more strongly, dynamically, and creatively, creating breakthrough changes in continuing to build and develop the Southeast region into an economy finance, trade, education, and training center and development of high-quality human resources.

Many party members, when asked, highly appreciated Politburo's promulgation of Resolution No. 24 on the development of the Southeast region. Party members said that the Resolution summarized reality, identified difficulties, oriented development with specific targets and figures, and directions and solutions were long-term and suitable for reality to unleash resources. This thinking will be an essential basis for regional provinces and cities to develop and promulgate their local plans for joint development.

Doan Ngoc Chau, a veteran of Thac Mo Ward, Phuoc Long town, Binh Phuoc province, highly appreciated the contents of this Resolution. He said that the Resolution has closely followed reality and built critical strategic orientations, especially the standpoint about the Southeast region development must be consistent with the socio-economic development strategy of the whole country. "I think that, as the country's economic locomotive, to develop sustainably, the regional provinces and cities cannot make breakthroughs and develop independently in their direction. Moreover, the region must lead and support neighboring areas to build together. Reality has proven that if you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together, "- Mr. Chau shared.

The Politburo asked to restructure the regional economy in a modern direction, taking the digital economy, sharing economy, green economy, and circular economy as the focus. The region must lead in developing high-tech and high-end service industries with high quality. Focus on building industrial, urban, service, and logistics belts associated with transport corridors is a must. It is necessary to mobilize and use all resources for development effectively, in which internal resources are decisive, strategic, fundamental, and long-term, harmoniously combined with external forces is essential and breakthrough.

According to the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Chairwoman of the Provincial People's Committee, Tran Tue Hien, the Resolution contributes to raising and fully and profoundly understanding and mastering knowledge of innovative standpoints on thinking, vision, and promoting the province's dynamism and creativity in the general planning and development of the Southeast region, creating a more sustainable development link between localities in the area.

Resolution No. 24 of the Politburo is a crystallized product of collective intelligence that has been elaborately implemented through many levels and rounds, from the theoretical basis to the practical, updating, and supplementing viewpoints and the Party's new policy on the Southeast region development. The Resolution is an essential legal basis for the formulation of the Southeast region master plan for the period 2021-2030, with a vision towards 2050. Therefore, the significant impact that the Resolution brings to the Southeast regions, including Binh Phuoc, is substantial, contributing to the completion of the content of the Binh Phuoc Provincial master plan for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050. Furthermore, this is the basis for the province to implement action programs and development plans for important sectors and fields for the Binh Phuoc province development in the coming period

Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairwoman of the Provincial People's Committee


Strengthening power's decentralization

Politburo has determined that it is necessary to renew thinking and promote the dynamism and creativity of localities so that the Southeast becomes a typical and highly effective model in regional cooperation. It is essential to take planning as the basis for regional development management. It is a must to strengthen regional linkages, perfect effective regional coordination institutions, and policies, and promote links between localities in the region, between the area and the Mekong River Delta, Central Highlands, South Central Coast, and other countries such as Mekong sub-region, ASEAN and over the world.

Ho Chi Minh City enterprises and investors learned about investment opportunities in Binh Phuoc at the conference connecting trade and investment promotion between Ho Chi Minh City and the Southeast provinces that took place in Binh Phuoc on March 17, 2023

Nguyen Thi Luong, the party branch secretary of Village 2, Minh Hung Commune, Bu Dang District, said: For the Resolution to come into practice and turn aspirations into reality, it is necessary to promote power's decentralization by the capacity and conditions reality of each locality. Because based on the capacity, potential, and advantages of each locality, leaders of that locality have a plan to implement specific and appropriate resolutions, thereby exploiting and promoting the practical possibilities, benefits, and proactive implementation, avoiding expectation, and dependence, "The grass is always greener on the other side."

Rapid but sustainable development and close linkage between economic, cultural, and social development, environmental protection, and adaptation to climate change are necessary. In particular, focusing on improving people's health, material, and spiritual life is essential, especially for low-income people, workers in industrial parks and export processing zones, etc. In addition, especially for the Southeast development-worthy, each locality must identify the limitations and causes holding back development. So, for Ho Chi Minh City to be the "heart" of the Southeast region, the urgent problem is to promptly solve traffic jams and internal flooding and expand space for development. In addition, provinces and cities need to step up planning for developing specialized farming areas, industrial zones, and clusters, and coordinate in attracting investment, ensuring it is associated with the strengths of each locality and creating favorable conditions for the general development of the region.

"If we know how to organize the right direction and exploit, the Southeast region will become rich. In the Southeast, Binh Duong province and Ho Chi Minh City are currently among the country's most prosperous places. Therefore, the thought of a person or a leadership team is important, but more importantly, there must be an official policy and Resolution of the Party and State. Therefore, I highly appreciate Politburo's promulgation of Resolution No. 24. The Resolution has opened up a new and promising direction for the Southeast. Then, the region's strengths will be maximally mobilized for development."

Professor, Dr. Nguyen Khac Thuan

Former Director of the Vietnam Record Research Institute

With strategic orientations and an essential basis for provinces and cities to actively promote their internal development resources in regional relations and linkages, Resolution No. 24 has aroused the development aspiration and created a new impulse and a new atmosphere for the development of the Southeast region./.

Author: Theo Đài PT-TH&Báo Bình Phước

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