Leaders of Binh Phuoc province wish New Year's greetings to bordering provinces of the Kingdom of Cambodia

Wednesday - 12/04/2023 13:46 711

(BP Portal) - On 2 days 6/4 and 7/4, on the occasion of Chôl Chnam Thmay traditional Tet of the Khmer people, Binh Phuoc Province Working Delegation was commissioned by Deputy Secretary of the Province, Chairman of the People’s Committee - Mrs.Tran Tue Hien as head of the delegation to visit, wishing the border provinces: Tbong Khmum, Kratie and Mondulkiri of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

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Chairman of Binh Phuoc Provincial People's Committee Tran Tue Hien visited and wished the leaders of Tbong Khmum province

This is one of the activities that take place annually on the occasion of traditional New Year of each country. Thereby strengthening the building of friendship, cooperation between Vietnam - Cambodia in general and Binh Phuoc with the provinces of Cambodia in particular.

Work with the delegation, in Tbong Khmum province there are Mr.Siec Leng- Chairman of the provincial council and Mr.Chiem Chan- Provincial Governor; in Kratie province there are Mr. Hua Si Dem-Provincial Council President and Mr. Va Thon- Provincial Governor; in Mondulkiri Province there are Mr. Men Nguoi-President of the provincial council and Mr. Thong Sa Vun, Governor.

On this occasion, the mission was to light the martyrs and to visit and present soldiers of K72 Group, the Binh Phuoc Province Military Command, whose mission was to find and assemble the remains of Kratie Province.

Chairman of the People’s Committee of Province-Mrs. Tran Tue Hien and the delegation visited the K72 Team, Binh Phuoc Province Military Command is carrying out the search and collection of martyrs in Kratie Province, Kingdom of Cambodia.

Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee - Mrs. Tran Tue Hien expressed the spirit of overcoming difficulties, always fulfilling the task assigned by the officer, soldier K72 Team. At the same time, the officials and soldiers continue to promote the results achieved and traditions and achievements of the team over the years, always build the spirit of internal solidarity, overcome difficulties, strictly observe military law, state law, law of the country in Cambodia, perform well assigned tasks to ensure safety./.

Translator: Ms.Thao

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