Binh Phuoc organized a workshop to improve the quality of online public services, towards digital authorities

Monday - 21/08/2023 09:40 657

(Binh Phuoc Portal) - On August 17, at the Provincial Political School, the Provincial People’s Committee in collaboration with the Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy organized a workshop on improving the quality of public administration online, aiming for digital authorities in Binh Phuoc province.

Dr. Bui Phuong Dinh, Director of the Institute of Sociology and Development, speaking citing the seminar

Speaking of the seminar, Dr. Bui Phuong Dinh - The Director of the Institute of Sociology and Development, said: In 2023, Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy has selected 3 provinces and cities representing 3 domains to survey, investigate and evaluate public services online. Among them, Binh Phuoc is the southern province chosen for survey and investigate with characteristics of many ethnic minorities (20%), many border lines. Therefore, the investigation will help to clarify the role of online public services, digital transformation for people and businesses.

Vice President of the Provincial People’s Committee - Mrs. Tran Tuyet Minh spoke at the conference.

At the conference, The Vice President of the Provincial People’s Committee - Mrs. Tran Tuyên Minh had quick information about the province’s online public service situation. Binh Phuoc currently has 2,025 administrative procedures under the authority to receive and solve by departments, departments, branches, People’s Committee of district and commune level. Of which, there are 1,850 global public services online, accounting for 91.3%; 156 partial public services, accounting for 7.7%.

The province has completed the integration and provision of online public services on the National Public Service Portal with 1,453/1,783 administrative procedures, reaching 81.5%, including 1,072/1,453 global public services, reaching 73.8%; 381/1,453 partial online public services, reaching 26.2% and Binh Phuoc ranked 5/63 provinces and cities.

Deputy Director of the Department of Information and Communication - Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phong presents an overview of the province’s online public service supply status to people.
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Master Do Thanh Huyen, UNDP policy analyst, fast information results Index of Public Administration and Administration Effectiveness (PAPI) in Binh Phuoc province in 2022.
Professor, Dr. Nguyen Huu Minh, President of the Society of Vietnam Sociology, quickly assessed the status of online public service implementation of Binh Phuoc province at the workshop.

Also at the seminar, the delegates have heard the discussions of departments, localities and exchanges directly clarify some of the contents on: the results of the province’s PAPI Index in 2022; the status of certificates of marriage status for citizens in the province; the status of temporary registration procedures, temporary absence for citizens from the period of 2022 and 6 May 2023 in the province; the status of inter-civil administrative procedures, free health insurance and communal permanent registration (3 in 1) at present time...

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The delegation of the National Political Academy of Ho Chi Minh and the delegates attended the souvenir photography seminar.

Speaking at the closing of the seminar, Vice President of the Provincial People’s Committee - Mrs. Tran Tuyet Minh appreciated the responsible and serious working spirit of the delegation of the National Political Academy of Ho Chi Minh and delegates attended the workshop.

From the comments and recommendations are stated at the seminar, Vice President of the Provincial People’s Committee - Mrs. Tran Tuyet Minh suggested: Immediately after the workshop, departments, departments, industry should focus on 4 key issues: There should be publicity, transparency on many clues so that people can monitor the implementation of online public services of the government; there are channels interacting with the government and people to be able to share and respond promptly to the problems related to this field; promote online public services and directly to serve people and businesses; enhance communication for people, both the political system to help raise awareness of the importance of online public services and digital transformation.

The Vice President of the Provincial People’s Committee - Mrs. Tran Tuyet Minh also assigned specific tasks to each department, department, industry. In particular, for the Office of the People’s Committee of the provincial People’s Committee, it is necessary to review the documents in a specific way to improve the quality of administrative procedures reform. Localities who have not announced land use plans on the unit’s website must be urgently public before August 25. Telecommunications units need to study building the Public Service Gate interface towards user-friendly interface. Local authorities need to consider and learn to facilitate immigrants in access to online public services./.

Author of the article: Hai Hoa
Translator: Ms.Thao

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