Speed up the disbursement of the capital of the national target program

Tuesday - 21/02/2023 15:25 745

(BP Portal) - This morning on 20/2, the standing committee of the province's Committee, vice President of the People's Committee of Binh Phuoc Province- Mrs. Tran Tuyet Minh would assume a regular online meeting to hear reports on the progress of disbursing funds for the national target program for socio-economic development of ethnic minorities and mountainous areas in the province to remove difficulties and accelerate the process of disbursing capital.

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The standing committee of the province's Committee, vice President of the People's Committee of Binh Phuoc Province- Mrs. Tran Tuyet Minh chaired the meeting

According to the provincial Committee for Ethnic Minorities report, to 17/2/2023, the funding of the National targeted program for Socio-Economic Development of ethnic minority areas in the province will reach VND 79 billion 815 million, reaching 43.53% of the total public investment capital in 2022 assigned to the program. 2 units with good disbursement progress are Loc Ninh district and Bu Dop district.

Departments, branches, districts and towns are stepping up the disbursement of this capital. However, disbursements still face some institutional difficulties; A number of projects and sub projects have to wait for guidance from the central ministries and branches.

Assessing the progress of disbursements, the standing committee of the province Committee and the vice President of the People's Committee – Tran Tuyet Minh requested the districts and towns to continue taking care to speed the disbursement of capital and to complete the plan on the implementation of the National target program for economic development of ethnic minority people and mountainous areas by 2023.

The vice Presidents of the provincial People's Committees – Mrs. Tran Tuyet Minh propose to provincial departments and branches to review and adjust the estimates and intensify the supervisory and inspection work in accordance with the regulations.

Translator: Ms.Thao

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