Provincial People's Committee implements a plan to vaccinate against COVID-19 with a booster dose for people aged 18 years and older in 2023

Monday - 06/03/2023 11:04 604
(BP Portal) - On 01/3, the Provincial People's Committee issued Plan No.66/KH-UBND to organize booster dose COVID-19 vaccination for people aged 18 and over in 2023 in Binh Phuoc province.

The organization of vaccination aims to proactively prevent the COVID-19 epidemic, reduce the incidence and death rate due to the Covid-19 epidemic by using COVID-19 vaccines; creation of active immunity in the community; adapt safely, flexibly, effectively control the COVID-19 epidemic.

The plan aims to achieve more than 90% of those who receive the full basic dose of COVID-19 vaccine with the 1st booster dose and over 95% of the 2nd booster dose according to the vaccine supply schedule. Ensure safety in vaccination, use and selection of COVID-19 vaccines with the 1st booster dose and the 2nd booster dose in accordance with the guidance of the Ministry of Health; implement the most timely and safe vaccination for eligible subjects and prescribe booster doses.

The total number of projected recipients for 2023 is 159,000. In the same dose, 150,000 recipients repeated the first time ( 3rd injection), and the second time (4th injection), 9,000.

The 1 booster dose (3rd injection) given to those 18 years or older has given the basic dose (enough 1 or 2 or 3, depending on the vaccine type and additional injection, if any). Vaccines, distance, dosage as directed by the Ministry of Health.

The second injection is given to people 50 years of age or older; People 18 years or older have moderate to severe immunodeficiency; People 18 years or older are among the high-risk populations exposed to COVID-19 such as health workers, front-line officers (police forces, military, teachers, transport sector workers, transportation providers, essential service providers, people working at tourist services facilities, trade centers, supermarkets, markets), workers, people working on industrial parks. Vaccines, distance, dosage as directed by the Ministry of Health.

To meet the above objectives, the provincial People's Committees shall require the allocation of the vaccine in accordance with the principle of fairness and transparency and on the basis of the number of subjects for repeated injection in the localities; Distribution of COVID-19 vaccine follows the route allocated from the Ministry of Health.
During the implementation process, it is recommended that agencies, units and localities continue to use COVID-19 vaccination management software for deployment. The foundation is made up of four components: A publicly immunized portal at; The system to support vaccination; The system in service of executive direction; Electronic Health Book application.

The provincial-level People's Committees ask the Health Services to ensure the process of transporting the vaccine from the provincial level to the district level, from the district level to the commune level, to determine the specific implementation time to ensure the fulfillment of the immunization objectives.

Based on the progress in the supply of vaccines, department of Health (standing office of COVID-19 prefectural Vaccine Vaccination Campaign) alloys vaccines to medical centers in districts, towns, cities and COVID-19 vaccination establishments within 3 days of the receipt of the vaccine. Depending on the course of the epidemic, the Provincial People's Committee (Provincial-level Health Department) is assigned to coordinate the vaccines and to give them priority for effective prevention of COVID-19.

The organization of fixed injection points and mobile vaccination points for deployment of the vaccination campaign; To introduce training and training of health workers for vaccination under the guidance of the Ministry of Health; To direct expertise in immunization work; To ensure safe, effective, not waste vaccine, to ensure post-vaccination waste treatment as prescribed...

The People's Committees of districts, towns and cities shall work out detailed plans for the implementation of a revised dose COVID-19 vaccination campaign for people aged 18 and over 2023 in the territory; To ensure that all subjects should be vaccinated according to the ministry of Health guidelines, they are fully vaccinated, not missing people. To direct agencies and units to make the relative list of vaccinations on COVID-19 vaccine, to ensure that all subjects have adequate, fair access to the vaccine in priority order. To direct the People's Committees of communes, wards and towns to popularize all subjects according to the plan. To direct the health centres of districts, towns and cities to deploy fixed and mobile vaccination sites to meet the implementation of vaccination campaigns in the area./.
Translator: Ms.Thao

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