Binh Phuoc offers preferences on policies to support advertising, promote investment and training labor

Thursday - 17/03/2022 08:11 1577
(BP Portal) - In addition to the preferential policies on deductions of compensation, ground clearance, assignment of land use right; Land, water surface, land use levy; The preferential tax rates and exemption of enterprise income tax; Preferences for import and export tax, value added tax, personal income, fixed asset depreciation, investors shall also be supported in advertising by Binh Phuoc province; Providing information and consultancy on investment and business procedures; Supports promotion of investment, trade, tourism and labor training.
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The regulations on investment promotion, preferences and support policies in Binh Phuoc province
1.    Support for Advertising

Within 3 years from the time Binh Phuoc Province's investment project on the list of trades calls and attracts investment in its operations, domestic and foreign enterprises investing in Binh Phuoc province are supported with product advertising costs under the advertising law on the provincial mass media (Radio - Television and Newspaper Binh Phuoc), the support level shall not exceed 2 million Dong/time and no more than 6 times/year. 

Free support in advertising, introducing images of businesses, introducing products on the Portal of the Provincial People's Committee, Department of Planning and Investment, Investment - Trade and Tourism promotion Center.

2.    Support for the provision of information and consultancy on investment and business procedures.

Information on the investment environment shall be freely provided; - Information on the planning of the lines and trades and lines of investment; Access to the land fund.

To be supported and given free advice on procedures for the establishment of enterprises, establishment of commercial and foreign tourism offices, administrative procedures for the preparation of investment (decisions on the policy of investment, construction permits, land use rights certificates, environmental impact assessments, fire prevention, etc.).

They are free to provide legal assistance and to resolve any difficulties encountered during their operation.

3.    Supports promotion of investment, trade and tourism

To support part of the funding to enterprises engaged in investment projects eligible for investment preferences in the province or with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions to participate in fairs and exhibitions to find and expand the market under the annual Investment promotion and trade program of the provincial People's Committees, the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Industry and Trade; - support for 30% of national and international branding costs; 70 percent for brand marketing.

To support part of the funding for the construction of the system of signposts and signposts for tourist visitors; To issue promotional publications, hold a travel promotion workshop.

4.    Support for labor training

The provincial People's Committees support primary vocational training and regular vocational training for less than three months to meet the production needs of each enterprise. The level of support prescribed for the provision of rural apprenticeship laborers.

This contents are prescribed in Article 11 of Resolution 02/2020/NQ-ND of July 13, 2020 of the Binh Phuoc provincial People's Council on the regulations on investment promotion, preferences and support policies in Binh Phuoc province./.
Translator: Ms Thao

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