Tighten solidarity and friendship Binh Phuoc - Mundulkiri

Monday - 15/04/2024 15:53 109

(Binh Phuoc Portal) - On the afternoon of April 9, the delegation of Binh Phuoc province was led by the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee - Mrs. Tran Tue Hien, who is the leader of the delegation, continues to visit and wish the Tet to the government, the armed forces and the people of Mundulkiri province on the occasion of the traditional Tet holiday of Cambodia.

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The delegation of Binh Phuoc province visited and wished Tet to leaders and the armed forces of Mundulkiri province.

Welcoming the delegation of Binh Phuoc province, Mr. Thong Savun - Governor of Mundulkiri province expressed his pleasure to welcome the delegation of Binh Phuoc province to visit and wish Tet in the province. Mr. Thong Savun affirmed that the traditional relationship of solidarity and friendship between Cambodia - Vietnam in general and Mundulkiri province with Binh Phuoc province in particular over the years has always been cultivated, strengthened and established cooperation in many fields. Thereby, it has contributed to strengthening the good neighborly friendship relationship between the two ethnic groups and the two provinces are increasingly connected.

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Mr. Thong Savun - Governor of Mundulkiri province affirmed that the good traditional relationship between the two countries Vietnam - Cambodia in general and the two provinces of Mundulkiri - Binh Phuoc in particular will always be bound and strong.

At the visit and greeting for Tet, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Binh Phuoc province - Mrs. Tran Tue Hien on behalf of the Party Committee, government and people of Binh Phuoc province sent wishes to the leaders, armed forces and people of Mundulkiri province to welcome the traditional Tet with peace, reunion and achieve many successes in the new year, wishing the friendship of Vietnam - Cambodia and the two provinces of Binh Phuoc - Mundulkiri forever green and sustainable forever.

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On behalf of the Party Committee, government and people of Binh Phuoc province, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee - Mrs. Tran Tue Hien sent good wishes to the leaders, armed forces and people of Mundulkiri province on the occasion of the traditional Tet of Cambodia.
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Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Binh Phuoc Province - Mrs. Tran Tue Hien gave Tet gifts to Mr.Thong Savun - Governor of Mundulkiri province.
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Mr. Thong Savun - Governor of Mundulkiri province gave a commemorative gift to the Binh Phuoc delegation.
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Leaders of the armed forces of Binh Phuoc province gave gifts to the armed forces of Mundulkiri province on the occasion of the traditional Tet in Cambodia.
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Leaders of governments at all levels and departments of Binh Phuoc and Mundulkiri provinces exchanged gifts on the occasion of the traditional Tet Cambodia.

Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Binh Phuoc Province - Mrs. Tran Tue Hien hopes that Mundulkiri province will continue to accompany and closely coordinate with Binh Phuoc province to effectively implement the joint statements Vietnam - Cambodia and cooperation agreements between the two sides. At the same time, continue to create conditions for Vietnamese businesses and businesses in Binh Phuoc province to invest in Mundulkiri province; support the Cambodian-Vietnamese community living in Mundulkiri province to stabilize their lives.

According to Radio – TV and Binh Phuoc Newspaper
Translator: Ms. Thao

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