Preliminary realization of the task of search and gathering of Martyr's bones in 21st phase

Friday - 09/09/2022 09:36 1156
(BP Portal) - On 6/9, the Provincial Steering Committee 515 held a preliminary conference on the task of finding And resuming the 21st Phase of the skeleton (dry season 2021-2022). Attending the conference was led by Major General Nguyen Van Hieu, deputy director of political Affairs of Military region 7. Deputy Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee,Provincial Steering Committee 515 - Mrs.Tran Tuyet Minh.
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Delegates attending the conference
In 21st phase, K72 Team (Provincial Military Command) verified and surveyed 6 total periods of 195 days in Cambodia, and two in Kratie province and Kampongthom Province; Seven sets of domestic martyr remains and 43 individuals remained in Cambodia. During their 22 years of missions in Cambodia and 10 years of domestic duty, the K72 team gathered 2,838 skeletons, of which 2,668 (235 with names and addresses) and 170 volumes in the province (13 with names and addresses). In the second phase of the 2021-2022 dry season, in cooperation with the Kingdom of Cambodia's panel of experts to host the reception, handover of 43 dead bodies to the country.

Besides these advantages, searching and gathering of the skeleton has become increasingly difficult due to the complex development of Covid-19. Due to less and less grave information; Finding the site was difficult because of the changing terrain, the Witnesses had grown old; The rest of the graves were in remote, low-lying areas which made surveying, searching, and organizing difficult.

Speaking at the conference, Major General Nguyen Van Hieu requested: In order to improve the efficiency of the search, the body of the Dead, to achieve its goal by 2030 essentially to fulfill its search, the foreign committee of Directors, the Provincial Committee 515 should continue to strictly implement party principles, the Law policy of the State, guidance of the National Steering Committee 515, of the military District. To enhance coordination and implement solutions in order to speed up the process of searching and organizing work and efficiency. To promote propaganda and mobilize organizations and individuals inside and outside the country to actively participate, providing information on martyrs and martyrs. To work closely with the different levels, departments and branches in time to solve problems and problems that arise, especially local authorities on your land.

Mrs.Tran Tuyet Minh - The Vice Chairperson of the Provincial People's Committee recommends promoting propaganda and creating a spread among all classes of people about the humanness of search and mobilization of dead bones so that the specialized body can be informed. The members of the provincial Steering Committee 515 took full action on the restrictions outlined. Strengthening it application; To build a database, digitize information on the remains in an efficient, scientific way. To ensure adequate and timely regime and policies for the officers and soldiers who carry out their full-time work. Proactive, creative, flexible, concentrated cleaning and perfecting dossiers on the lists of martyrs and grave members in the area; Geographical conclusion, completion of the map search, the procedure of the bones of the dead and identification of the remains lacking information by authentication.

On this occasion, the Provincial People's Committee awarded five collective awards, 17 individuals with outstanding achievements in their search mission, and the XXI chapter of The Skeleton. The board of directors in 515 requested that Military District 7 grant for both 1 team and two individuals./.
Translator: Ms.Thao

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