Exhibition "Vietnam-Laos Relations: Perpetual and Development"

Friday - 09/09/2022 09:40 1453
(BP Portal) - On the morning of 6/9, Vietnam News Agency held the opening of the photo exhibition "Vietnam - Laos Relations: Perpetual and Development", to celebrate the 60 years the establishment of Vietnam - Laos diplomatic relations (05/9/1962-05/9/2022) and the 45 years the signing of the Vietnam - Laos Friendship and Cooperation Treaty (18/1977-18/72022).
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Ribbon cutting to open the exhibition. Photo: Thu Huong
The exhibition consisted of 63 large photographs, with 109 representative pictures by Vietnam News agency and the Pathet Lao news agency, taken from the tens of thousands of photographs, reflecting the honest and vivid "one" world special relationship between two Countries, two Ethnic Vietnamese - Lao, Lao - Vietnam (2/9/1945) and the Laos Provisional Government - Itxala declaration of Lao independence (12/10/1945).

The photographs presented at the exhibition represent a genuine, vivid, strong bond of friendship between the Party and the people of the two countries, which stand side by side in the national struggle for independence and in the construction, protection and development of the country today./.
Translator: Ms.Thao

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