Binh Phuoc’s agriculture “pillar of support” on the rise

Monday - 24/10/2022 09:02 1152

(BP Portal) - Resolution No.19-NQ/TW Resolution No. 19-NQ/TW of the fifth plenum of the 13th Party Central Committee defines the goal that by 2030, farmers and rural residents will have an increasingly high level of education, material and spiritual life. They will master the process of agricultural and rural development. With its advantage as a province with potential for agricultural development, Binh Phuoc province is also building agriculture as a " pillar of support" of economic development in high-tech agriculture, towards expanding raw material areas associated with deep processing, making Binh Phuoc’s agriculture reach far.

Changing the mindset of agriculture production

More than three years ago, Nguyen Thi Hien's family in Quarter 7, Tan Khai town, Hon Quan district, converted the old rubber growing area into high-tech agriculture. And 3,000 square meters of cantaloupes grown in the membrane house have been well invested and meticulously cared for by her and her husband under the constant and active guidance of agricultural engineers as well as seasoned members of the Tan Khai Organic Agricultural Cooperative. Thanks to the initiative, creativity and continuous promotion of internal resources, Hien's family has earned hundreds of million VND every year from 3,000 square meters of cantaloupes after deducting expenses. As a result, Hien and many farmers in Tan Khai townlet have mastered this crop with high economic value. Since then, people's material and spiritual life has been improved, contributing to the general development of the national economy as the target of the Resolution of the 5th Central Conference on agriculture, farmers and rural areas in the period 2030-2045.

Many farmers in Binh Phuoc are turning towards high-tech agriculture. In the photo: Nguyen Thi Hien, a member of Tan Khai Organic Agriculture Cooperative, Hon Quan district, takes care of a hi-tech cantaloupe garden

Hien shared: In the past, doing farming was very hard, but productivity was low, and income was not high. Currently, farmers are aware that they must apply scientific and technical advances to production to increase crop productivity, gain high economic efficiency and reduce labor. Therefore, for the cantaloupe growing model, members of Tan Khai Organic Agriculture Cooperative invest from membrane houses to technical equipment and biological fertilizers to bring the highest economic value.

Amidst the new trend, many farmers have learned and switched to sustainable crops with high economic value according to the orientations of functional agencies. For example, Nguyen Doan Vinh's household in Phuoc An village, Binh Tan commune, Phu Rieng district, has 2.5 hectares of nearly 30-year-old rubber trees. Vinh plans to cut down the area of old trees with low economic value to turn to planting trees of higher economic value. Vinh said: If he has capable enough, his family will convert 100% of the rubber growing area to durian or some kinds of trees of higher value; if not, his family converts half of that area to growing fruit trees, and the other half is maintained with the rubber trees but he will look for better seed sources.

That is also the reality in Binh Tan commune. Many households cut down their old trees to replace them with new varieties of higher yields, even completely switching to growing fruit trees in the hope to increase productivity and economic value. Since then, people's material and spiritual life has also improved. The model of converting to durian cultivation of Nguyen Van Phong's household in Phuoc Thinh village is also an example. Five months ago, he invested more than 100 million VND in converting more than 1 hectare of cashew trees with low economic efficiency to growing durian trees. Then, with the guidance of experts, he applied science and technology to caring for the trees and determined to do farming according to the organic and sustainable direction. "I have invested in facilities, seedlings and applied scientific and technical advances under the guidance of agricultural engineers. Hopefully, this direction will bring significant benefits to develop the family economy, "- Phong expected.

Binh Tan commune has more than 70% of households developing agriculture with key crops such as rubber, cashew, and pepper trees. From local leaders to specialized mass organizations, they have promoted propaganda to people to change farming methods, find suitable and sustainable ways to have stable outlets according to the trend of green, clean and efficient agriculture. Secretary of the Party Committee of Binh Tan Commune Do Duc Hung said that the Party committees and communal authorities encouraged farmers to apply science-technology and technological advances to improve the quality of agricultural production. Thereby, it contributes to improving people's living standards in rural areas, heading towards building advanced new-style rural areas.

Putting the resolution on agriculture, farmers and rural areas (known as Tam Nong) into practice

Truong Van Dao, Director of the Fruit Tree Cooperative in Bau Nghe village, Phuoc Tin commune, Phuoc Long town, owned 50 hectares of crops with high economic value, such as rubber and durian trees. He was very delighted when the State considered agriculture as the " pillar of support " for the country's economy. “I think that is a right policy. Presently, farmers in Binh Phuoc generally, and in Phuoc Long town particularly, are eager to participate in new production methods. They learn from each other, modernize every step of doing farming, and head towards a modern and sustainable agriculture that both helps improve productivity and bring high economic benefits," said Dao.

Farmers in the province have enterprisingly applied scientific and technical advances to deep processing to make Binh Phuoc’s agricultural products reach far. In the photo: Workers of Ba Dao durian freezing factory, Phuoc Tin commune, Phuoc Long town pack products before putting them in stock for sale

Do Duc Hung, Secretary of the Party Committee of Binh Tan Commune, a commune with more than 70% of the population engaged in agriculture, hopes that Resolution No.19 on agriculture, farmers and rural areas will continue to promote Vietnam's agriculture in general and Binh Phuoc’s agriculture in particular, to be increasingly prosperous. People will benefit from the right policies to promptly apply agricultural development, contributing to changing the rural face and improving people's living standards.

Resolution No.19-NQ/TW of the 13th Party Central Committee on agriculture, farmers and rural areas set a target that by 2030, the GDP growth rate of the agricultural sector will reach an average of about 3%/year; increasing the productivity of agricultural labor by an average of 5.5-6%/year. The average income of rural people in 2030 will increase by 2.5-3 times compared to 2020. The proportion of agricultural employees in total social labor is less than 20%. According to the vision to 2045, farmers and rural residents are civilized, comprehensively develop, earn a high income. Ecological agriculture and large-scale production of goods have a high value added, which are closely linked with domestic and foreign markets, the processing and preservation industries of agricultural products are modern and export various kinds of the world’s best agricultural products.

According to Binh Phuoc Provincial People's Committee report, in the first six months of 2022, the province's perennial industrial plants and fruit trees covered more than 438,000 ha, up 1.94% over the same period, reaching 102.2% of the year plan. In the development orientation, the province's agricultural sector is focusing on investing in high-tech agricultural development, organic agriculture and clean agriculture. The provincial government has approved hi-tech agricultural zones and implemented the planning of biosafety zones according to international standards. Recently, Binh Phuoc was granted five durian growing area codes. This was a golden opportunity for Binh Phuoc agricultural products to develop. Deputy Director of Agriculture and Rural Development Department Le Thi Anh Tuyet affirmed that the agricultural sector would advise on building material areas in the direction of high-tech agriculture associated with production, technical assistance, application of the most advanced science and technology, construction of large specialized farming areas for export.

Currently, many gardeners apply modern sprayers to reduce human labor

A good opportunity now awaits farmers in Binh Phuoc to carry out the process of transforming agricultural production towards industrialization in a comprehensive way. They actively apply scientific and technical advances, mechanize agriculture and modernize farming and production processes to improve crop productivity. This is also a long-term direction for each farmer to step on the development path confidently./.

Author: Đài PT-TH&BBP

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