9 months, Binh Phuoc’s economic growth rate is estimated at 7.36%

Monday - 23/10/2023 10:40 464

(Binh Phuoc Portal) - Concentrating on the budget collection and promotion of the disbursement of public investment capital is one of the instructions of the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee -Mrs.Tran Tue Hien at an online conference with localities preliminary the situation of 9 months in 2023. The conference was organized by the Provincial People's Committee in the afternoon of October,  4. Co-chair the conference, attended by the Vice President of the Provincial People's Committee Mr. Tran Van Mi, headed by provincial committees, departments, branches, units and armed forces.


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The whole conference scene at the main location
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The conference is connected to districts, towns, cities in the province.

The conference report stated that the province's socio-economic situation of 9 months in 2023 remained stable and developed. The province's economic growth rate, estimated at 7.36%, is above the national average (4.24%), the highest in the Southeast, ranking 17th in the country. The total state budget revenues in the provinces are estimated at more than VND 7,794 billion; Total expenditure estimated at over VND 9,990 billion. Rapid recovery industrial production is an important contributor to the overall economic growth of the province. Agricultural production is stable, gradually developing towards high technology and large-scale application. Trade in services rose sharply over the same period. The estimated 9-month export turnover of 2,947 million USD, up 4.61 % over the same period, reaching 71% of the annual plan; The estimated imports totaled over us $2 billion, a 34.94% increase over the same period, reaching 90.42% over the year plan.

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Vice President of the Provincial People’s Committee - Mr. Tran Van Mi runs the discussion section.

In the public investment sector, in 9 months Binh Phuoc disbursed 2.381 billion VND 781 million, reaching 32.1% compared to central targets and reaching 47.1% compared to the plan. The province attracted 31 foreign investment projects (FDI) with registered capital of more than 743 million USD and 13 domestic investment projects with total registered capital of 4.306 billion VND 475 million; there are 789 enterprises and 22 registered new established cooperatives.

The social-cultural field also achieved many positive results, social security work is focused. Care and concern Activities for the policy subjects, difficult people, poor people, workers are deployed in time and efficient; traffic accidents reduce the number of cases, limit the maximum number of injured.

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Leaders of departments, industry, local, unit to state opinions, petitions.

At the conference, departments, sectors, units, localities exchanged many issues related to difficulties in revenue collection; causes of disbursement of public investment capital; the situation of implementation of national target programs … Besides, localities also exchanged more clarification of difficulties and problems of revenue in the final months of the year; assessing the impacts will affect the last 3 months of the year and proposing and recommending solutions to fix.

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The president of the Provincial People's Committee, Mrs. Tran Tue Hien, said at the conclusion of the conference.

Speaking in conclusion, the President of the Provincial People's Committee, Mrs. Tran Tue Hien requested: In the remaining three months of 2023, the services, branches, agencies, units and localities shall concentrate their tasks, including: Prepare the contents for the 16th provincial Party's Executive Committee meeting, the People's Council meeting, according to a specialized article, and the year's end session; To concentrate and dramatically direct the budget collection work; Increased disbursement of public investment capital. The President of the provincial People's Committee also requests the Presidents of the People's Committees of the districts, towns and cities to implement promptly and effectively the assigned tasks and solutions in The Plan 306 of September 27, 2023 of the provincial People's Committees; To focus on resolving the difficulties of production and business, to further reform administrative procedures, tighten the discipline and discipline of the state in the province./.

According to Radio - Television & Binh Phuoc Newspaper 
Translator: Ms.Thao

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