To increase the efficiency of electricity savings in the province

Sunday - 31/07/2022 15:25 1997
(BP Portal) - On 27 July, the Provincial People's Committee issued the no.1937/UBND-TH to strengthen the implementation of electricity savings in the province.
dien nang luong
Power savings at agencies and offices

To continue to strengthen the propaganda work in carrying out the tasks prescribed by the Law on efficient and economical energy use and the legal guiding documents; To organize the application of electricity savings measures according to The Prime Minister's Directive No. 20/CT-TTg of May 7, 2020 and the Directive No. 06/CT-TTg of April 1, 2020 of the President of the Provincial People's Committee. To disseminate all officials, public servants, officials and employees who have to implement electricity savings, to include energy savings into their internal disciplines evaluation and annual commendation competitions.

To strictly comply with Decision No. 68/2011/QD-TTg of December 12, 2011 of the Prime Minister, on promulgating lists of equipped and equipped means and energy - efficient equipment for State budget use agencies and units.

The savings of electricity in households

Promotion of the use of electric equipment labelled on energy under Decision No. 04/2017/QD-TTg of 9 March 2017 of the Prime Minister provides for the list of means, equipment to label energy, apply the minimum energy efficiency level and the implementation roadmap.

To make the most of the time efficient use of electricity at home, including: to turn off electrical appliances when leaving a room, to cut off power sources if no power is used; Use a temperature conditioner when necessary; The purchase of high efficiency electric means, equipment or electrical equipment with energy savings labeling; Limit the use of incandescent light bulbs; Roofing solar installations and power installations, solar heating systems from solar energy to allow for home conditions.

The Savings of lectricity in lighting public, advertising and outdoor decorating purposes

The organizations and individuals manage the operation of public lighting systems, lighting systems for advertising and outdoor decor purposes, coordinate with the construction electricity supply establishments and organize the implementation of the power savings plan. Accordingly, a minimum of 5-7 percent savings in total electricity consumption over the 2022-2025 period must be ensured for these lighting operations.

Application of solutions to the management, regulation and criteria of public lighting techniques; Replacing decorative lamps, lighting lamps and advertising lamps with electricity efficient lamps; Using automatic, smart control technology in public lighting, lighting for advertising purposes, outdoor decorating.

Restaurants, hotels, commercial service facilities, office complexes and apartment buildings are ready to cut and reduce electricity demand when the local electricity authority notices in case of a lack of power.

The savings of electricity at the manufacturing enterprise

Building and implementing cost-efficient and efficient electricity utilization solutions such as ensuring the correct use of power and load diagrams; Implementing a rational production plan; To limit the maximum amount of mobilization of equipment and machinery with high power consumption at peak times; Reduce the maximum number of non-loaded electrical components.

To install and integrate renewable energy sources such as solar power and wind power with the self-used objective of internal energy systems; Priority is given to the use of high-performance energy labelled devices.

The focal point for energy use is to scruff and comply with the law on Efficient and economical energy use and legal documents on the economical and efficient use of energy.

Enterprises that produce industry are subject to the readjustment of legal documents regulating the consumption of energy per unit of products in accordance with the prescribed norms for energy consumption.

In addition, the Chairperson of the Provincial People's Committee requested that the relevant departments, departments, branches and units coordinate with the People's Committees of districts, towns and cities in carrying out the tasks of the plan to implement the National Programme on Energy savings and Efficiency for the period 2021-2025, which was approved by the Provincial People's Committee in the Plan no.147/QD-UBND of 2 June 2020 on the use of energy savings and efficiency in the province of Binh Phuc for the period 2021-2030.

Binh Phuoc Power Company is directed to optimally operate electricity distribution grids to efficiently use primary power sources and reduce power losses throughout the system. Undertake, urging and support enterprises producing industry and services to make investment in, implement solutions to energy-efficient replacement of low-efficiency equipment with high-efficiency, energy-efficient, production lines and equipment.

To coordinate with the inter-branch agencies in organizing the inspection and sanctioning of violations of savings and efficiency energy use under Decree No.134/2013/ND-CP of October 17, 2013 of the Government on sanctioning administrative violations in the field of electricity, a safe hydroelectric dam, and the use of economical and efficient energy; Decree No.17/2022/ND-CP of 31 January 2022 amending and supplementing a number of articles of decrees on sanctioning administrative violations in the field of electricity, safe hydroelectric and using energy savings and efficiency.

At the same time, to request the People's Committees of the districts, towns and cities to direct the agencies and units using the State budget in their respective localities to strictly implement the annual electricity savings ensuring the minimum consumption of 5-7% of the total electricity consumption in the year; To promote the propagation and dissemination of laws on efficient and economical energy use, regulations and solutions on electricity savings and energy savings, to mobilize households and enterprises to use reasonable electrical equipment, and to reduce capacity in high hours./.
Translator: Ms.Thao

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