Investment opportunity

Thứ năm - 12/03/2020 10:00 4.590 0
(BP Portal) - land fund for industrial manufacture is available at favourable locations for transport with eight industrial parks approved by the Prime Minister with the area of 5,224 ha and one Hoa Lu International Border Gate Economic Zone
cua khau hoa lu 1
Hoa Lu international border gate

The infrastructure system of industrial clusters, zones has been becoming fulfilled to attract domestic and foreign capital sources. Binh Phuoc is endowed with temperate climate, favourable land for agriculture production and types of industrial plants of high economic value and big capacity such as rubber, cashew nuts, pepper, etc. There are numerous minerals such as kaolin, bauxit, puzolan, especially limestone with big reserve (300 million tons) playing role as material serving for cement factory powered by 02 million tons per year.

Economic growth stays at high speed and stability .The mechanism transition is on the right direction with high growth in many fields and aspects characterized by numerous cultural and social progresses, improvement of human resouce quality through education, enhancement of material and spiritual life as well as cooperative, friendly exchange relationship with neighboring provinces of Cambodia and Southern regions of Laos, strengthening and contributing to the stability and peace of the border gate route, promoting enterprises in expanding their investment and business overseas.
Minh Hung III industrial park. Source: Internet

Binh Phuoc is enriched by young, active, creative, hard-working manpower, serving for the demand of production, business for enterprises and investors well.

The past time has witnessed the implementation of preferential investment policies in association with land rent rates, exemption on land rent and use charge, duty exemption; training support for human resources, investment promotion and brand advertising.

The administrative procedures are being kept improved on the basis of inter-agency menchanism "One- door" to ensure the most favourable creation for investors. Furthermore, such investment support services as finance, banking, customs, posts and telecommunications, etc., arequite professional, aiding in serving lucratively for business and production activities of enterprises.

With the motto of "Your business success,our great success", Binh Phuoc always welcomes all domestic and aboard enterprises as well as investors to come here for their profitable investment. The provincial authority pledges to stand side by side with investors in business and production activities so as to create the most favourable conditions for their best productivity.

Investment attraction through years has seen myriad of positive changes, Investors in Binh Phuoc come from different nations and territories like Korea, Taiwan, Australia, US, Japan, Singapore, Brazil, etc.
Currently, projects are under good and stable performance of business, production, assisting in job creation for over 13,000 laborers in and outside the province. Moreover, industrial large scaled livestock and poultry farms are being invested as well. Locally industrial clusters in Binh Phuoc are being formalized and expanded robustly like Ha’My, My Le industrial clusters, etc., facilitatinginvestors’ attraction in and outside the country./.

Tác giả: T.T

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