Being dynamic and innovative to build the homeland

Friday - 10/11/2023 08:26 456

(Binh Phuoc Portal) - Promoting the role of youth in boosting the construction of model new-style rural areas, the Youth Union of Loc Hiep commune in Loc Ninh district is consistently active in implementing various projects, tasks, and volunteer activities. Among these, the commune's Youth Union has collaborated with different units to synchronously execute movements such as collecting waste, cleaning village roads and alleys, and planting flowers along roads. These endeavours help the locality adorn itself with a bright appearance, working towards perfecting and elevating the criteria for building model new-style rural areas in border districts.

For our dear students

One of the stable and effective activities that the Youth Union of Loc Hiep commune maintains is the program "Supporting Students to Go to School." Together with local associations and organizations, the commune's Youth Union mobilizes resources to donate scholarships, books, clothing, and school supplies to students in difficult circumstances every year. In the 2023-2024 school year, the commune's Youth Union mobilized funds to award scholarships to students in need at Loc Hiep Primary School. These scholarships may not have a significant monetary value. Yet, they demonstrate the youth's companionship with the younger generation of the nation, providing them with the spirit and motivation to excel in their studies.

Loc Hiep Primary School has a large number of students. Over the years, in addition to various organizations and individuals sponsoring the school, the Youth Union of the commune has accompanied and supported disadvantaged and ethnic minority students to have more conditions and motivation to excel in their studies.


Vice Principal of Loc Hiep Primary School

Loc Hiep commune's Youth Union awards scholarships to disadvantaged students at Loc Hiep Primary School for the 2023-2024 academic year

The youth project "Collecting plastic waste for recycling" by the Military Youth Union of Loc Hiep commune is not a new model. Yet, it has played a role in helping students in difficult circumstances and those who have overcome difficulties to study well to be given wings to dreams. Secretary of the Military Youth Union of Loc Hiep commune, Luu Quoc Linh, stated: "Integrating with the unit's activities and responsibilities, the Youth Union conceived the idea of launching a youth project focused on collecting plastic waste. This initiative encompasses the collection of plastic containers, such as water bottles used during meetings and gatherings, and the collection of plastic bottles and cans found in and around the reception area and the communal People's Committee campus. The project is divided into two separate areas for storing plastic bottles and paper. Depending on the number of collected bottles, the Youth Union will summarize and sell them weekly or monthly to create a fund to support impoverished but diligent students in the local area."

Construction of model residential areas

The activities “Voluntary Saturday” and "Green Sunday" have seen full participation from 100% of residential Youth Unions, all coming together to clean up overgrown bushes and collect trash in the area. In the third quarter of 2023, the residential Youth Unions in the commune launched troops to clear 9km of rural roads and plant flowers along 700 meters of youth flower roads.

This activity not only beautifies the roads but also ensures clear visibility for travellers, as overgrown bushes don't obstruct their view. Additionally, it contributes to the safety of the electrical grid during the rainy and stormy seasons. Bui The Trong, the Secretary of the Hiep Quyet Hamlet's Youth Union, shared that because most youth union members in the Hamlet are students, environmental protection activities, waste collection, and flower road maintenance are often organized on weekends to attract young people. As a result, the roads are always green, clean, and beautiful, and the people in Hamlet are very excited.

The youth union members of Loc Hiep commune carry out environmental protection activities and the construction of model residential areas

"Light route lighting up the country road" in groups 24 and 25 of Hiep Tam A hamlet is a youth project carried out by the Youth Union of Loc Hiep commune to celebrate the 92nd anniversary of the establishment of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (March 26, 1931 - March 26, 2023). This project is over 300 meters long and features nine streetlights, with the commune Youth Union mobilizing funds and contributing labour alongside the residents to complete it. Since installing these streetlights, this route not only facilitates nighttime travel for the local people but also contributes to ensuring public safety and order. According to Duong Ngoc Vinh, the Head of Hiep Tam A Hamlet, there are now over 7 kilometres of illuminated streetlights throughout Hamlet, meeting the transportation and daily needs of the residents. Main roads are equipped with lighting, limiting theft.

“One commune, one product”

In the desire to preserve and promote the cultural identity of the Thai ethnic minority group, Vi Thi Bien in Hiep Hoan A hamlet has developed a business model for "can" wine. According to Bien, this model not only improves the family's economic situation but also spreads the cultural identity of the "can" wine of the Thai people. "The longer 'can' wine is aged, the richer and more delicious it becomes. Typically, each jar of 'can' wine is aged for at least three months before being sold" - Bien said. Currently, Bien is completing OCOP product registration procedures to enhance the "can" wine brand of Thai people as well as contribute to the implementation of the OCOP program in the region during the 2022-2025 period.

Youth union members and students from Thu Dau Mot University (Binh Duong province) visit and learn about Vi Thi Bien's "can" wine business model

Nguyen Minh, the Secretary of the Youth Union and the President of the Vietnam Youth Federation in Loc Hiep commune emphasized that in 2023, the Executive Committee of the commune's Youth Union intensified movements and activities focused on residential areas. These efforts will include volunteering to protect the environment, planting flower-lined roads, and raising the awareness of youth union members and the public in social activities, all with the goal of building model residential areas. Regarding digital transformation, the commune's Youth Union supports people in completing online application procedures and collaborates with the police force to install electronic identification for people.

According to Radio - Television & Binh Phuoc Newspaper 

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