Implementing a 92-day-and-night peak campaign: Positive changes in building e-government

Tuesday - 28/06/2022 15:59 1084

(BP Portal) - Vice Chairwoman of Binh Phuoc provincial People's Committee Tran Tuyet Minh has just chaired a meeting to review the implementation of Plan No. 170/KH-UBND dated June 1, 2022 of the provincial People's Committee on launching a 92-day-and-night peak campaign “Improving efficiency of providing and using online public services; promoting digital transformation to develop digital government” from June 1, 2022 to August 31, 2022.

The campaign focuses mainly on 8 basic indicators: Online public services; public service records processed online; record digitization rate; deploying GRIS, LRIS reports; handling administrative procedures; tackling paper records; online payment and deployment of community-based technology teams.

Essential indicators change markedly

According to a report at the meeting, the rate of online public services arising at the provincial level increased from 91% to 95.57% from May 1, 2022 to June 22, 2022. The provincial public service portal received 40,689 new records, bringing the accumulated records applied for settlement up to 93,068. In the period, local units handled 43,645 records, of which, 1,265 records were overdue; 49,392 remaining records are processed, including 21 overdue ones. After implementing the campaign for 22 days and nights, the rate of overdue applications that were resolved in the period was 2.9%, down by 0.88% as compared to that before June 1 at 3.78%, the rate of online public service processing as of June 22, 2022 was 100% from 90.18% at the start of the campaign.

Up to now, the GRIS government reporting system has received 13 reports from departments, branches, districts, towns and cities on administrative procedures control activities.

Vice Chairwoman of the provincial People's Committee Tran Tuyet Minh chairs the meeting

For the field of online payment, 113 online transactions of fees and charges reached 17 million VND and 4,889 online transactions of payment for land obligations got more than 75 billion VND. For the target of digitizing records, up to now, the province has not had any guidance on digitizing records, so the data has not been unified for the whole province. The whole province has completed the the establishment of 111 communal community technology groups with 1,080 members, 844 village-and hamlet-level community technology groups with 5,520 members.

According to the assessment at the meeting, the 92-day-and-night campaign has got a drastic change in the implementation of online services, building e-government in the province; helping create consensus and drastic implementation at all branches from provincial to district and communal levels.

Vice Chairwoman of the provincial People's Committee Tran Tuyet Minh emphasized: The 92-day-and-night campaign is an opportunity to better implement administrative reform and build e-government. 

At the same time, the key indicators of the plan have changed markedly. The implementation of online public services has achieved good results at the provincial and district levels. The number of online public services generating records has basically achieved 80% of the target.

Building e-government must be practical, not formalistic

In addition to the achievements, participants at the meeting focused on discussing and explaining limited and unsatisfactory aspects of each unit and locality. In particular, they focused on providing solutions in dealing with overdue records at all levels, sections in charge of receiving dossiers and returning handling results at the district level and land registration branch offices. The meeting also discussed to come up with solutions on improving the online payment rate in some localities.

A 14-day deadline for completion of 5 missions 

The meeting also set out tasks for the next two weeks. Specifically, online public services are expected to reach 80% at branches of the Land Registration Offices and communal sections in charge of receiving dossiers and returning handling results. The proportion of public service records processed online must get an increase of 25%. The rate of digitization of records at the provincial and district levels is expected to reach 100%. The rate of State administrative agencies’ reports done online is expectedly at 80%. For handling of administrative procedures, the rate of overdue records should be reduced to less than 1%.

Concluding the meeting, Vice Chairwoman of the provincial People's Committee Tran Tuyet Minh emphasized: “The 92-day-and-night campaign is an opportunity to better implement administrative reform and build e-government. Through this, the drastic role of heads of agencies, units and localities in building e-government has been aknowledged. At the same time, the departments, agencies and sectors have made more acceleration by reducing the number of late handled dossiers; some remote localities have had a change in administrative reform implementation.”

Vice Chairwoman of the provincial People's Committee Tran Tuyet Minh suggested that the departments, branches and localities should closely implement the 5 tasks given in the next 2 weeks, especially with the reduction of late handled dossiers from 2.9% to less than 1% in the next 2 weeks. Leaders at all levels, branches and localities should implement more drastically, inspect more closely the implementation of administrative procedures to achieve the set goal of the 92-day-and-night campaign. It is important to completely put an end to the dishonest form of closing unsettled dossiers at agencies, units and localities. It is necessary to help people change their habits to turn to using online public services, contributing to the implementation of administrative reform and making the building of e-government easier.

The implementation of administrative procedures and building of e-government must be practical, honest and effective, saying no to formalism. Only then can we better serve people and businesses.

Vice Chairwoman of provincial People’s Committee Tran Tuyet Minh

Author: Theo Đài PT-TH&Báo Bình Phước

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