India - Vietnam business and investment conference

Tuesday - 26/03/2024 15:06 300

(Binh Phuoc Portal) - In order to meet, contact and introduce to Indian businesses investment, trade and business cooperation opportunities when coming to the province, on the morning of March 22, the People’s Committee of Binh Phuoc province held a India - Vietnam business and investment conference. The conference was attended by Mr. Madan Mohan Sethi - Consul General of India in Ho Chi Minh City, Indian businesses; leaders of departments, branches and some typical enterprises of Binh Phuoc province.

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Overview of the India - Vietnam business and investment conference.

Binh Phuoc province is located in the transition area from the Tay Nguyen to the Southeast, plays a strategic and important role in the East-West economic corridor, is the gateway to economic, cultural and social exchanges between the Southeast and the Tay Nguyen and deep -water ports, international airports, especially with 3 countries: Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand.

Currently, Binh Phuoc has 13 industrial parks with a total area of 6.061 hectares, the occupancy rate is nearly 70%; Hoa Lu border gate economic zone with about 28.364 hectares, of which there are about 1.622 hectares of industrial land. In the period of 2021-2030, Binh Phuoc province is expected to expand by 10.400 hectares of industrial park land.

With the potentials of land planning, labor, favorable natural conditions, Binh Phuoc province focuses on attracting investment in strong sectors of the province such as developing high-tech agriculture; production industry; processing technology, trade, service and tourism industries... In addition to promoting the implementation of investment projects, Binh Phuoc province is very interested in creating the most open mechanism to promote cooperation connections for the business community, focusing on attracting investors Investment in branches with strengths of province.

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Provincial Member, Director of Binh Phuoc Provincial Center for Trade and Tourism Investment Promotion - Mr.Tran Quoc Duy introduced the investment environment of Binh Phuoc province.
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Mr. Madan Mohan Sethi, Indian Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City stated at the conference.

Up to now, the province has 413 FDI projects with a total investment capital of 4 billion 253 million USD, of which, India has 1 project with an investment capital of 850 thousand USD. With the strength of experience, finance and business administration skills, Binh Phuoc wants Indian businesses to invest in the province. Binh Phuoc will accompany businesses, ready to create favorable conditions for investment activities, production - business and construction of enterprises.

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At the conference, Indian businesses discussed and discussed in depth with departments, branches and units of the province about investment attraction policies in the province.

Mr. Madan Mohan Sethi highly appreciated the potential, especially in the fields of industry, agriculture, export as well as investment attraction policies of Binh Phuoc province. He said: Currently, many Indian businesses are interested and learn about Binh Phuoc. Through the conference, he wishes to have an exchange and cooperation between Indian businesses and Binh Phuoc, contributing to tightening the relationship between Vietnam and India.

At the conference, Indian businesses discussed and exchanged in depth about tax policies, fields and industries as well as attracting investment in the province. Representatives of leaders of Binh Phuoc’s departments and branches discussed specifically and frankly the questions of Indian businesses right at the conference and said that the success of businesses and investors will contribute significantly to the sustainable development of the province.

According to Radio - Television and Binh Phuoc Newspaper
Translator: Ms.Thao

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