Promote production and business, construction and import-export investment in the coming time

Wednesday - 12/04/2023 13:55 928

(BP Portal) - On 10/4, the Prime Minister signed sign 238/CD-TTg Dispatch on promoting production, construction investment and import and export in the coming time.

The Dispatch clearly states, in the context of continuing complex, unpredictable fluctuations, impacts, negative effects on recovery and prospects for global economic growth. In the country there are many difficulties and challenges due to both external influences and internal constraints and disadvantages of the economy. However, through the evolution of an entire political system; Active participation and consent of the enterprise community and people; The effort, effort in directing, managing, and organizing implementation so that we fundamentally maintain macroeconomic stability, control inflation, stimulate economic growth, ensure large balances of the economy, stabilize the monetary market and ensure liquidity of the banking system.

Gross domestic product (GDP) of the first quarter of 2023 was estimated by 3.32% over the same period the previous year. Although added value in agriculture, forestry and fisheries increased by 2.52%, contributing 8.85% to overall growth. The service sector increased 6.79%, contributing 95.91 %, but as a result of rising input costs, a sharp fall in orders from some major industries (such as electronics, textiles, leather, footwear and the raw materials required by Vietnam's large business friends to adopt a tightened monetary policy in order to combat inflation and protectionism to sustain growth) led to a 0.4 % decline in the industrial and construction sectors, and a 4.76 % drop in overall growth. In this, the added value of the first quarter industries dropped by 0.82% compared to the same period last year. Some of them are high in industrial production index, in contrast to many of them whose industrial indexes have risen very low or fallen because of a decline in manufacturing, mining and processing industries, largely due to a market factor.

With the trend of increasingly complex political and economic volatility in the world, our economy with great openness, forecasting to face many difficulties and challenges in the coming time, especially business production, construction investment and import and export activities. In the face of that situation, the Prime Minister requires levels, sectors and localities to actively act according to the functions, tasks, powers assigned, focusing drastic directions, instructing handling, difficult removal, entanglement under the jurisdiction of legal, administrative procedures, access to capital, business conditions, bank liquidity, debt and taxes, fees,…to support enterprises, accelerate the implementation of construction investment projects, especially major projects, key. At the same time, enhance the inspection, immediate correction of existence, inadequacy, negative to soon promote business production, construction investment and import and export, maintain and promote the growth dynamics of the economy such as investment, export, consumption.

In the coming time, the Prime Minister will assign comrades of Government Members and leaders of ministries and related sectors directly working with each local to timely grasp the difficult situation, entangled in production and business, investment in construction and imports in local; clarify the reasons and propose specific, feasible, effective solutions to soon recover growth and implement victory tasks, socio-economic development goals in 2023 and also the period of 2021-2026.

To perform timely and highly effective on the contents and work mentioned above, the Prime Minister asked the Chairman of the People’s Committee of provinces and cities to direct review, report the situation of production and business activities, construction investment and export activities in the area, especially the business production activities of areas that have large contributions to growth, key construction investment projects, specific proposals and recommendations, submit the Ministry of Planning and Investment before April 13, 2023 to general synthesis on issues groups that need to deal with, solve disassembly in localities and to project the assignment of comrades of Government Members to preside over working with localities. At the same time, send to relevant ministries and sectors to know and actively coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment in the implementation process.

The Prime Minister requires the Ministry of Planning and Investment to directly monitor and urge localities to prepare reports; preside and coordinate with relevant ministries and agencies to propose assignment and build work plans of Government Members after rapid reports of localities, scientific, effective, practical, avoid formal, general appeal; synthesize reports of localities, which classify problem groups, competence to solve and send Prime Minister, comrades of Government Members preside over working under the assignment of the Prime Minister.

Ministries, branches, agencies, units and localities are responsible for closely coordination with the Ministry of Planning and Investment in implementing the task of the Prime Minister assigning, ensuring timely, efficiently, in accordance with the provisions./.

Translator: Ms.Thao

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