Regulation policies on incentives, incentives and Supports investment in Binh Phuoc province (Chapter VII, VIII)

Thursday - 05/05/2022 08:57 4163
(BP Portal) - Issued together with Binh Phuoc Provincial People's Council Resolution 01/2022/NQ-HDND of March 31, 2022.
Chapter VII
Article 25. The general regulations on treatment of enterprises for investment in agriculture and rural areas

1. Agricultural projects with special investment preferences are projects under the list of branches and trades stipulated in Annex II attached to this Resolution implemented in areas with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions prescribed in Annex III attached to this Resolution.

2. Agricultural projects eligible for Investment preferences are projects under the list of branches and trades stipulated in Annex II attached to this Resolution implemented in the localities with difficult socio-economic conditions prescribed in Annex III attached to this Resolution.

3. Agricultural project on promotion of Investment is a project on the list of branches and trades stipulated in Appendix II attached to this Resolution implemented in the rural and non-geographical areas as stipulated in Items 1 and 2 of this Article.

4.  In addition to the preferential policies and mutual investment support policies of the spirit, enterprises subject to provisions of Items 1, 2 and 3 of this Article shall enjoy investment preferences and support as provided for in Articles 26 and Article 27 of this Regulation.

Article 26. Land preferences for the fields of investment in agriculture and rural areas

1. Exemption or reduction of land use levy for agricultural projects (especially with special investment preferences and investment preferences and investment incentives) which are allocated land by the State or entitled to convert land targets for housing for laborers as prescribed, to be exempted from money transfer land use purposes for the land area converted for the construction of dwelling houses for laborers working at the project; The land use levy shall be exempt for such land area after the transformation.

2. Exemption or reduction of land rent and water surface rent of the State.

a) An enterprise whose agricultural projects offer investment incentives and encourage investment when it rents land or water surface rents of the State, is entitled to the preferential land prices set by the provincial People's Committees and the stable land and water surface rents for at least five years;

b) Enterprises with special agricultural projects offering investment preferences shall be exempt from land rent or water surface rents from the date when the State leased land or water surface rents;

c) Enterprises whose agricultural projects offer investment preferences shall be exempt from land and water surface rents for the first 15 years from the date when the State leased land or water surface rents and reduced 50 % of land and water surface rents for the next 7 years;

d) Enterprises that have agricultural projects to encourage investment shall be exempt from land and water rent for the first 11 years from the date when the State leased land or water surface, and reduced 50 % of land and water rent for the next 5 years.

đ) Enterprises that carry agricultural projects (especially preferential investment preferences, investment preferences and investment incentives) that lease land for housing construction by the State for laborers of projects, land for non-agricultural production foundations (land for building workshops, warehouses, dry yards, roads and transport lines, trees) as well as land allowed to change their purposes into land types prescribed in this category in service of urban projects shall be exempt from land rent.

3. Support for land concentration.

a) An enterprise providing special agricultural projects with incentives for investment in rent and/or lease of land and water surface from households and/or individuals for carrying out the investment project shall be funded by the State equivalent to 20 % of land and water rent for the first five years since the project is completed and put into operation;

b) Enterprises having agricultural projects (especially investment preferences and investment preferences and investment incentives) that receive capital in the form of land use rights of households and individuals so as to set up the material areas with the state's support for the construction of material areas with a level of 50 million VND/ha, but not more than 5 billion VND/projects and not have to switch to land lease for land contributed with land use right.

c) Enterprises which concentrate land in forms prescribed in Point A and Point b of this Clause shall be supported by the State with the sum of support as stipulated in each of the above-mentioned points;

d) In the land lease cycle of enterprises investing in agriculture and rural state, which does not adjust land use planning and plans to affect food consumption. Except for cases where the State recovers land as prescribed in Article 61, Article 62 of the Land Law and special cases shall have to readjust the land use planning and planning as provided for in Items 1 and 2 of Article 46 of the Land Law.) To encourage enterprises to use agricultural land and aquaculture land to build agricultural products processing plants, attached infrastructure (internal storage houses, headquarters, internal roads, waste treatment systems). The procedures for changing the land use and construction purposes are in accordance with the land Law and the Construction Law.

Article 27. Support technical infrastructure investments in the fields of agriculture and rural investment

1. Support for hi-tech agricultural enterprises.

a) Enterprises that have projects to propagate crops with tissue culture technology are supported as follows:

- The level of support of 80 % of the investment budget for building infrastructure, equipment and environmental treatment but not exceeding VND 5 billion/project;

- Support conditions: Size of one million trees per year or more. In case the size of the project is increased, the corresponding level of support should not exceed VND 10 billion per project.

b) Enterprises which have projects for production of plant seeds, animal breeds, aquatic breeds and experimental crops of high economic value approved by the Provincial People's Committee shall be entitled to support 70 % of their expenditures in building infrastructure, equipment and environmental handling and seed plants but not exceeding VND 3 billion/project;

c) The enterprise shall invest areas, regions and agricultural projects with high-tech application supported:

- To support 50 % of the investment project elaboration costs according to the project management and investment consultancy norms issued by the Ministry of Construction for each time; The maximum level of support shall not exceed VND 100 million/project;

- Maximum support of VND 300 million per hectare for building infrastructure, equipment and environmental treatment but not exceeding VND 10 billion per project.

2.  Support investment in the intensive processing of products by value chain from wood, latex processing, cashew and pepper processing, and fruit processing:

- To support 50 % of non-investment and not more than 10 billion VND/projects for building infrastructure for handling traffic waste, electricity, water, workshops and equipment within the project barriers;

- Investment projects must ensure that post-processing product value conditions increase at least 1.5 times the value of the original raw materials.

3. Supports investment in large-scale centralized animal, cattle and poultry facilities associated with food processing.

a) Level of support

- Support for 5 billion VND/project to build waste treatment, transport, electricity, water, factories and equipment purchase.

- Raising enterprise with import of high amounts for direct raising is supported at 10 million VND per head.

b) Support requirements.

- Buffalo breeding projects, or skipping with sizes of 200 or more;

- Poultry husbandry projects which must range from 200,000 children per year;

- Brahman, Redsindi, Australia cattle farm imported with a minimum size of 200 head.

4.  Souces of Capital and supporting mechanisms

The funding support include: central budget and provincial budget.

a) The central budget shall devote 5 % of the investment capital allocated to the agricultural sector to the annual development budget; The capital budget shall be devoted to a minimum of 5 % of the capital for annual development investment only in the agricultural sector for implementation.

b) Post-investment support mechanisms.

When the investment portfolio is completed and received, the State budget shall receive 70 % of the investment capital level; After the project has completed its collection and input into production and business, 30 % of the remaining support capital shall be disbursed.

5. Order, procedures for investment and receipt of support: To comply with the Government's Decree No.57/2018/ND-CP of April 17, 2018 on mechanisms and policies to encourage enterprises to invest in agriculture and rural areas, and detailed guidance on the implementation.

a) In cases with two or more enterprises registering the execution of investment projects at the same locations, the selection of investors shall be made according to the provisions of the law on bidding;

b) Enterprises that have projects on the list of projects to encourage investment in Agriculture and rural areas issued by the provincial People's Committees shall be provided with information or planning permits by competent State agencies to draw up a plan of 1/500. The maximum period of information supply or planning permit granting shall not exceed 15 working days after the enterprise receives its proposal;

c) Projects on rural construction in areas in which the planning for urban development is not planned or in the industrial parks, export processing zones, high technology parks or within the Pre-approved Agricultural and high technology Areas with planning of 1/500 shall be exempted from the construction permit as provided for in Clause 2, Article 89 of the Construction Law.

d) Investment projects on the list of projects to encourage enterprises to invest in agriculture and rural areas, promulgated by the provincial People's Committees, when production and business activities are not conducted; Provincial state agencies are not entitled to inspect, inspect and audit in any form unless provided for by law or show signs of violation of the law.
Chapter VIII

 Article 28. Terms of implementation

1. The investment promotion, preference and support policies not provided for in this Regulation shall comply with the Investment Law and other relevant legal documents.

2. In the course of implementation, if any changes in policy or issues arise, the provincial People's Committee shall submit to the provincial People's Council for amendments, supplements and replacements in accordance with the actual situation of the locality and according to the provisions of law.
Translator: Ms.Thao

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