The ecosystem of Bu Gia Map National Park

Saturday - 05/03/2022 10:34 2568
(BP Portal) - The Bu Gia Map National Park is a transition forest from the Tay Nguyen to the southeast plains.
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The park is 25,598.24 ha wide with many spectacular natural wonders, with a rich, diverse flora and fauna.
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This is where standard ecosystem samples and rare genetic sources are preserved, such as: Nomascus gabriellae, Pygathrix nigripes, Macaca arctoides (red-faced macaque monkey), Macaca nemestrina... After their recovery, they will be released into the wild.
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Contributing to the biodiversity are orchids with a great color.
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The Bu Gia Map National park is an attraction for the ecotourism industry./.
Translastor: Ms. Thao

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