
BECAMEX Binh Phuoc interested in promoting foreign trade capacity of Binh Phuoc Province

Thứ ba - 22/08/2023 10:17
Binh Phuoc Department of Industry and Trade is taking the first new steps to open new and better markets for agricultural products and businesses across the countryside of the province. Provincial leaders continue to support local farmers, farm owners, planting areas and businesses by establishing production and business premises; improving production & processing capacity; accessing fairer markets; completing each agricultural product & food supply chain; addressing difficulties & creating any opportunities for local production and export communities; and enhancing more revenue from by-products. If there is any chance to sell local agricultural products and goods, it will help reduce the selling price of Binh Phuoc’s products and goods to the end consumer.
BECAMEX Binh Phuoc interested in promoting foreign trade capacity of Binh Phuoc Province
Binh Phuoc Department of Industry and Trade is taking the first new steps to open new and better markets for agricultural products and businesses across the countryside of the province. Provincial leaders continue to support local farmers, farm owners, planting areas and businesses by establishing production and business premises; improving production & processing capacity; accessing fairer markets; completing each agricultural product & food supply chain; addressing difficulties & creating any opportunities for local production and export communities; and enhancing more revenue from by-products. If there is any chance to sell local agricultural products and goods, it will help reduce the selling price of Binh Phuoc’s products and goods to the end consumer.
BECAMEX Binh Phuoc interested in promoting foreign trade capacity of Binh Phuoc Province

The Department of Industry and Trade is cooperating with stakeholders in the cashew, durian, avocado, timber, supporting industries, etc. in industrial zones and in rural areas to develop an export plan in accordance with international standards; connect business owners to new markets, work directly with potential importers at their overseas purchasing facilities; and create a better official sales channel for the next generation of local entrepreneurs.

The above efforts reflect the very specific and realistic vision, determination, and goals of the provincial leaders and the Department of Industry and Trade in the investment and trade promotion program of Binh Phuoc, adapting to global changes too fast.

Changing the way to support export enterprises more effectively is not easy, but promoting the province’s foreign trade activities from the bottom up in detail according to international export standards is a prerequisite immediately. These canmake our community of farmers, farm owners and exporters become more resilient.

Starting from such an approach, right after the trade & investment promotion trip of the provincial leaders and Becamex Binh Phuoc from May 21–28, 2023 in Australia and New Zealand, the Industry and Trade sector of the province received many positive signals from major & potential partners of Becamex Binh Phuoc who interests in the province’s foreign trade activities in: new textile - dyeing industry, bird’s nest and agricultural products, deeply processed food; technology transfer; trade in deeply processed products of the province.

With the support of Becamex Binh Phuoc, the Department of Industry and Trade will continuously update and share production, processing and import-export opportunities from this program./.

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