Cabinet convenes meeting to discuss ways to realize 'dual goal'

Thứ hai - 03/08/2020 15:05 2.662 0
(BP Portal)-Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc presided over a Cabinet meeting Monday to discuss ways to realize "dual goal" amidst swift developments of Covid-19 pandemic over the past days
Cabinet convenes meeting to discuss ways to realize 'dual goal'
The dual goal includes containing the pandemic and fostering growth, in which accelerating disbursement of public investment capital was identified by the Government as a key solution.

According to the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the consumer price index (CPI) in July rose 0.4% from the previous month and saw a slight drop of 0.19% against last December, the lowest level in the 2016-2020 period.

However, average CPI still increased 4.07% in the first seven months in comparison with the same period last year, the ministry reported.
Agricultural production remained stable while industrial production grew 3.6% in July and 2.6% in the first seven months the record low over the past years.

Trade and service activities rebounded in July thanks to the Government's efforts to stimulate domestic consumption and tourism.

Total retail sales of goods and services jumped 3.3% against the previous month and 4.3% against the same period last year.

In the first seven months, total trade turnover valued US$ 285.12 billion, down 1.3% against the same period last year.

Export turnover reached US$ 145.79 billion, up 0.2% and import value was US$ 139.3 billion, down 2.9% against the same period last year. Viet Nam ran a trade surplus of US$ 6.5 billion in the first seven months.

Capital disbursement rate stood at 51.8% in July and 27.2% in the first seven months.

Transport activities bounced back within which passenger transportation growth rate was 7.8% and cargo transportation growth pace was 4% in comparison with June. However, foreign aviation transportation sector coped with difficulties due to complicated disease development./.

Tác giả: Source: VGP NEWS

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