Regulations on investment incentives and support policies in Binh Phuoc province

Thứ sáu - 07/08/2020 14:15 2.944 0
(BP Portal)-The Resolution provides for investment incentives and support policies in Binh Phuoc province.
Regulations on investment incentives and support policies in Binh Phuoc province
Resolution 02/2020 / NQ-HDND replaces Resolution No. 31/2017 / NQ-HDND dated July 19, 2017 of the People's Council of Binh Phuoc province promulgating regulations on investment incentives and incentives in   Binh Phuoc province Resolution No. 14/2018 / NQ-HDND dated December 14, 2018 of the People's Council of the province amending and supplementing a number of articles on preferential policies and incentives in the province;Resolution No. 01/2020 / NQ-HDND dated March 24, 2020 of the People's Council of Binh Phuoc province changing Appendix II issued together with Resolution No. 14/2018 / NQ-HDND dated December 14, 2018 of the People's Council amended and supplemented a number of articles on investment incentive and incentive policies in the province.

Domestic and foreign organizations and individuals, state management agencies and agencies and units involved in investment activities in Binh Phuoc province are subject to the application of Resolution 02/2020 / NQ-HDND.

Commitments of Binh Phuoc province

Binh Phuoc province commits to fully implement investment incentive, incentive and support policies in the province with the most preferential level in accordance with the Law on Investment and Enterprise Law.

In addition to the general regulations on investment incentives, Binh Phuoc province stipulates policies to encourage, give incentives and support for investment in the province in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in this Regulation.

Investment administrative procedures are applied and implemented uniformly in Binh Phuoc province. The set of administrative procedures are publicly listed at the Center for Public Administration and posted on the Public Service Portal and the Portal of Binh Phuoc Provincial People's Committee.

Investors must follow the direction of the People's Committee of the province if the investment procedures are in the case where the land for the project is not included in the approved annual land-use plan.

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