Exchange of young officers in Binh Phuoc province with 3 provinces of Kratie, Tboung Khmum, Mondunkiri (Cambodia)

Thursday - 22/06/2023 09:07 570

(BP Portal) - On the morning (14/6), at Milestone No. 69, Hoa Lu International Gate, Loc Ninh District, officials and soldiers of Binh Phuoc province armed forces met with a delegation of young military sub-region of 3 Kratie provinces, Tboung Khmum, Mondulkiri and the 2nd Gendarmerie Command of Kratie, Mondulkiri, Royal Cambodian Army.

In the morning, the young officer two units visited the monuments of the Cluster of the Cambodia Prime Minister Hun Sen’s journey to saving the country - Historic Site X16, Loc Ninh district.

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Receive the young officer at Milestone No. 69

Here, the young officers of two units are studied about the Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen’s journey to saving the country – Historic Site X16, which was started on 8/5/2021, comprising 4 categories: Souvenir stele at the stop of X16; weapons hiding point; meeting point of militia and Vietnamese people; exhibition exhibitors and artifacts related to Prime Minister Hunsen’s journey to saving the country. On 20 June 2021, the building was opened under the witness of the leaders of the Ministry of Defense of Vietnam and Cambodia.

During the exchange trip, the afternoon of the same day, young officers of two units came to visit the special National Monument of the Ta Thiet Domain Command; exchanged officers and soldiers of the 736 Regiment. Then on the morning of 15/6, the young officers visited, interacted with officers and soldiers 208, the Military Command of Binh Phuoc province and participated in planting souvenir trees.

The exchange is intended to help young officers of the two countries’ military understand the unity relationship fighting the common enemy of the two peoples, the tradition of the military, the people of the two countries of Vietnam – Cambodia, contribute to preserving and cultivating the friendship between the two countries forever green, eternal sustainable./.

Translator: Ms.Thao

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