Developing high-tech agriculture in Binh Phuoc province

Monday - 11/03/2024 11:20 213

(Binh Phuoc Portal) - Currently, the development of agriculture applying high technology in Binh Phuoc province has gradually developed and basically achieved certain achievements in planning; on orientation, policy development; on implementation results in the fields of horticulture, animal husbandry, fisheries, branding, brand, market.

Development of high-tech agriculture

Regarding planning, Binh Phuoc has been approved by the Prime Minister for the planning period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050. In which, approve the list of investment projects in the agricultural sector such as: Investment project for construction of industrial slaughter, processing, livestock and poultry factories in the province; Project to develop a number of fruit tree growing areas combined with eco-tourism in some districts and towns; Development of cashew industry clusters, wood, rubber processing, fruit processing industries... Forming 05 fruit tree areas with about 5.000 hectares; peppercorn growing area with an area of 3.000 hectares; Land area for high-tech application of livestock is about 9.500 hectares...

On the orientation and policy development of the province, concretized in the Resolution of the 11th Party Congress of Binh Phuoc province for the term 2020-2025; Resolution of the Provincial People's Council (such as policies to encourage cooperation development, linkage of production and consumption of products, support for clean agricultural production, encouragement, incentives and investment support) and projects of the Provincial People's Committee under the Action Program 17 of the relevant Provincial Party Committee.

Specifically, enterprises build link chains in the province according to Resolution No.07 and Resolution No.08 of the Provincial People's Council, if approved by the Provincial People's Committee, they will be supported by the state: link construction consulting costs; infrastructure support for linkage; support agricultural extension, training, training and breeding, materials, packaging, product labeling...

Enterprises investing in high-tech agriculture according to Resolution No.01/2022/NQ-HDND dated March 31, 2022, Resolution No.04/2022/NQ-HDND dated July 12, 2022 of the Provincial People's Council are entitled to: land rent exemption incentives, technical infrastructure investment incentives; corporate income tax incentives according to specific areas, export and import tax incentives.

Regarding some outstanding results, in the field of cultivation, the province has 440ha with high technology application; 6.088.9ha is applied for water-saving irrigation and has 75 exportable planting area codes of about 4.503.08ha, the output is about 148.783.36 tons/year.

In the field of livestock and fisheries, there are 271 pig farms (accounting for 66.7% of farms) and poultry with 60 farms (accounting for 68.2% of farms) with high-tech applications.

Regarding branding, brands, markets, the whole province has 05 brands protected by intellectual property rights including: geographical indication "Binh Phuoc Cashew Nut", collective brand "Loc Ninh peppercorn”, "Thanh Luong garden chicken", "Thanh Luong Dimocarpus Longan”, "Binh Phuoc rubber", there are 157 OCOP products rated from 03 to 5 stars and there are about over 206 value chain links that are operating effectively with 38 participating cooperatives.

In cultivation, the province currently has 440ha for high-tech applications.

High-tech agricultural areas

Currently, in the province, 05 high-tech agricultural zones have been established, including: Dong Xoai, Thanh Le, Dong Phu, Hai Vuong and Chon Thanh. However, in the implementation process, there are still difficulties and problems. Therefore, in the coming time, professional agencies shall advise the Provincial People's Committee to review to adjust to suit the practices and needs of enterprises and the project of high-tech applied agriculture, clean agriculture, and organic agriculture in the province in the period 2021-2025, with the orientation to 2030 approved by the Provincial People's Committee.

The province's agricultural sector identifies the development of high-tech agriculture by 2030 as a top priority and focuses on some of the following key industries of the province:

Cultivation, fruit tree area with an area of 5.000 hectares in the districts: Loc Ninh, Bu Dop, Bu Gia Map, Phu Rieng, Bu Dang; peppercorn growing area with an area of 3.000 hectares in the districts: Hon Quan, Loc Ninh, Bu Dop; medicinal planting area with an area of 500 hectares in the districts: Bu Gia Map, Phu Rieng, Hon Quan, Dong Phu and Bu Dang.

Livestock has about 9.500 hectares, of which: Dong Phu 600ha, Hon Quan 1.500 hectares, Loc Ninh 1.500 hectares, Bu Dop 600 hectares, Bu Gia Map 2.500 hectares, Phu Rieng 800ha, Bu Dang 2.000ha.

Development policy

In addition to the general guidelines and policies of the central government that are concretized and applied, to support the development of high-tech agricultural models, the province now has its own, specific and specific policies. related. It is a policy to encourage the development of cooperation, linkage of production and consumption of products (Resolution No.07/2019/NQ-HDND dated July 5, 2019, Resolution No.08/2023/NQ-HDND dated July 12, 2023 of the Provincial People's Council amending and supplementing a number of articles of Resolution No.07/2019/NQ-HDND dated July 5, 2019 of the People's Council of Binh Phuoc province); the policy to support clean agricultural production in Binh Phuoc province (Resolution No.20/2021/NQ-HDND dated December 7, 2021 of the People's Council of Binh Phuoc province) and policies to encourage, favor and support investment on Binh Phuoc province (Resolution No. 01/2022/NQ-HDND dated March 31, 2022, Resolution No. 04/2022/NQ-HDND dated July 12, 2022 of the Provincial People's Council).

Some solutions to develop in the coming time

In general, drastic implementation of programs and projects has been approved by the Executive Committees of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Party Committee, and the Provincial People's Committee, with a focus on the projects under Program 17 of the Provincial Party Committee, the Three-Agricultural Program and the project to restructure the provincial agricultural sector in the period 2021-2025, oriented to 2030.

Synchronously develop infrastructure for agricultural production, implement digital transformation in agriculture. Effectively implement preferential policies, support investment in agricultural development. Promote support for investors in agricultural production to apply high technology, build brands, and contact with trade. Training and attracting high-quality human resources into applications high-tech agricultural production.

The goal is to 2030, in terms of cultivation, fruit areas with an area of 5.000 hectares in the districts: Loc Ninh, Bu Dop, Bu Gia Map, Phu Rieng, Bu Dang; peppercorn planting area with an area of 3.000 hectares in the districts: Hon Quan, Loc Ninh, Bu Dop; The growing area of medicinal plants with an area of 500 hectares in the districts: Bu Gia Map, Phu Rieng, Hon Quan, Dong Phu and Bu Dang.

In terms of livestock, about 9.500 hectares, of which Dong Phu 600 hectares, Hon Quan 1.500 hectares, Loc Ninh 1.500 hectares, Bu Dop 600 hectares, Bu Gia Map 2.500 hectares, Phu Rieng 800 hectares, Bu Dang 2.000 hectares.

Article Author: Nhat Phong
Translator: Ms.Thao

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