Connectivity helps assure stable output for agricultural products

Friday - 10/06/2022 14:15 1195

(BP Portal) - Organic cashew farming and production is becoming an inevitable trend to meet increasing requirements of the market, contributing to gradually improving the value of agricultural products and facilitating growers to pursue their cashew cultivation with peace of mind. In Bu Dang district, the orientation and organization for farmers to associate and organically grow the cashew trees over the past time has proven effective. Businesses have come to sign contracts with the growers for exclusive purchase of local cashew nut products in large quantities.

Although Dieu Nu's family have not harvested an abundant yield from organic cashew garden yet, the cashew is always assured by the enterprise for exclusive purchase at a stable and higher price than the market price

The intercropping model of cashew and organic coffee trees on an area of more than 12 hectares has been carried out by Mr. Pham Van Hung's family in hamlet 7, Phuoc Son commune, Bu Dang district in association with a business specializing in cashew and coffee processing in Dong Phu district for many years. Apart from the fact that coffee is purchased at from 3,500 to 4,000 VND/kg higher than the market price, cashew grown according to the value chain is also sold at 1,000 VND/kg higher than the market price.

However, in order to have such prices, the growers must meet requirements on seedlings and comply with organic farming process; while process of caring, fertilizing and spraying plant protection products must be approved by the purchasing unit. This is not an easy condition for all of the farmers to be able to meet, especially in the context of current high prices of fertilizers and pesticides.

Mr. Dieu Nu living in hamlet 5, Dong Nai commune, Bu Dang district has joined Dong Nai Organic Agriculture Cooperative for nearly 3 years. He only uses probiotics and increases the amount of organic fertilizers following the process guided by the cooperative, instead of using pesticides to control pests on the cashew trees as he used to. Although the cashew yield is not high, he feels very secure because the selling price to agents is always 400-500 VND/kg higher than the market price and he no longer feels under price pressure. Mr.Dieu Nu shared: “Through the process of sticking to organic cashew farming, I realized that it has many benefits. Firstly, it is good for both our health and consumers’ health. Secondly, it has a good price so farmers feel very secure."

In the context of escalating prices of agricultural raw materials, the investment cost for the organic farming process may be high, but in compensation for that, the model has significantly contributed to improving and ensuring income for the family. Cashew output is totally purchased by the enterprise with an additional revenue of 1 million VND/ton. The amount of cashew failing to meet requirements of the partner is purchased equally to the market price.

Mr. Pham Van Hung in hamlet 7, Phuoc Son commune, Bu Dang district

Ms. Thi Khuoi in village 5, Dong Nai commune is trusted by cashew processing enterprises to act as their purchasing agent in the locality. She said: “The cashew output in 2021 crop year was only 130 tons due to the end of the crop season. Particularly for this year's cashew crop, with significantly increasing number of cooperative members compared to the previous year and the farmers’trust, her agent has met the target of purchasing 3,000 tons assigned by the businesses, although this year saw a worse crop than that of previous years.”

“The price of organic cashew nuts is different from the market price. Because the cashew nut has been assured by monopoly buyers, so it is easy to buy and sell them. With more revenue, farmers can keep their mind on their farming production. I hope that the cashew growing areas in the province will be expanded next year and in the following years.” She explained.

There are more than 3,000 hectares of cashew trees in Dong Nai commune. Over the past time, the link chain for consumption of cashew products signed by businesses with Dong Nai Organic Agriculture Cooperative has proven effective as it helps assure an exclusive consumption of 1,200 tons. And the figure given by the business in the crop seasons of this year and in the following years is 9,000 tons.

Local government continues to mobilize farmers to join the cooperative model, in addition to launching many solutions, including orienting people to produce and organically expand their farming areas to keep maintaining and improving the efficiency of the link chain.

Bui Anh Tung, Vice Chairman of People's Committee in Dong Nai Commune said: “ Local farmers to some extent feel secure to join the cooperative after they realized the value brought by the organic cashew trees. From initial effectiveness of the link chain, the locality will continue to propagate and mobilize people to join cooperatives and at the same time increase the transfer of science - technology application in intensive farming to improve productivity and output of organic cashew in the locality.”

Thanks to the signing for exclusive purchase, the cashew purchasing agent of Ms. Thi Khuoi in village 5, Dong Nai commune has exceeded its consumption plan, although 2022 saw a poorer crop in comparison with that in previous years

The farming process goes in the direction of a clean and safe way. The product link chain signed by businesses and farmers and cooperatives is considered a suitable direction, and also a must, when products are consumed in large quantities by domestic and foreign markets. This is also an important stepping-stone for raising the brand level and enhancing values of local agricultural products when the link chain continues to promote its effectiveness and will be multiplied in the near future./.

Author: Theo Đài PT-TH&Báo Bình Phước

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