Carry out the prevention of human trafficking crimes

Friday - 26/01/2024 09:11 280

(Binh Phuoc Portal) - On January 23, 2024, the Provincial People's Committee promulgated Plan No.26/KH-UBND to implement the prevention of human trafficking crimes in 2024.

The implementation of the contents in this Plan aims to continue to promote the strength of the political system and the whole people in the prevention of human trafficking; clearly define tasks and responsibilities to improve the efficiency of coordination between departments, agencies, branches, unions and localities; synchronously implement solutions, mobilize all resources, strengthen international cooperation to effectively prevent and fight against human trafficking crimes in the province. Promoting the role of setting an example, pioneering and exemplary role of cadres and party members in the prevention of human trafficking.

Ensure 100% of denunciations, reports of crimes, petitions for prosecution related to crimes of human trafficking are received and handled; settlement rate is over 90%. Cases with criminal signs of human trafficking must be investigated and verified, when there are enough grounds to prosecute criminal cases for investigation in accordance with the law. The rate of investigation and discovery of human trafficking cases reaches over 90% of the total number of prosecutions; 95% of human trafficking cases are annually resolved and prosecuted; 90% of human trafficking cases are resolved and tried. Improve the responsibilities of all levels, branches and classes of people, promptly overcome the causes and conditions of crime, reduce the risk of human trafficking, effectively carry out the reception, verification, identification, rescue, protection and support of victims of trafficking.

In order to achieve the above goal, the Provincial People's Committee requires agencies, units and localities to carry out a number of key tasks on advising and directing; communication and prevention of human trafficking crimes; the struggle, prosecution and trial of human trafficking crimes; the reception, verification, identification, rescue, protection and support of victims of trafficking; the construction and completion of the legal system on Prevent human trafficking; promote international cooperation in preventing human trafficking.

In which, the organization of rallies and communication activities in response to the All-People's Day against Human trafficking (July 30). Organizing communication in the community; propagating, disseminating and educating the law on the prevention of human trafficking in the grassroots area; production and broadcasting of television programs, news, reports on the methods and tricks of human trafficking crimes, policies, laws and the results of the struggle against human trafficking of functional forces... Promote the movement of all people to participate in the prevention of human trafficking, associated with the protection of territorial sovereignty, national border security and socio-economic development policies with many diverse contents and forms, suitable for each specific object and area.

Strengthen the State management of security and order, especially residence management; management of entry, exit, residence of foreigners in the province and exit and entry of Vietnamese citizens; management, inspection and review of business establishments with security and order conditions such as business establishments, accommodation rentals (guests, inns, hotels), restaurants, bars, karaoke, massage, industrial parks, entertainment parks, areas adjacent to where criminals often Taking advantage of committing crimes or using them to gather victims before sending them to sell abroad to actively prevent and detect human trafficking criminals and victims of trafficking, forced labor, prostitution. At the same time, strengthen the management of activities for adoption, marriage with foreign elements, brokerage, organization of sending Vietnamese people abroad to work, study, travel and other conditional business lines in order to promptly detect cases of human trafficking in this field.

In addition, further strengthen the responsibility of the prosecution in the activities of investigation, prosecution, trial, pay special attention to combating injustice, wrongdoing and omission of criminals; promote the implementation of digital transformation, the application of information technology to ensure the effective service of the construction of the diagrammization of evidence in solving cases and cases. Improve the efficiency and quality of receiving, verifying, identifying, rescuing, protecting and providing initial support to victims according to the principle of victim-centeredness; take measures to protect information confidentiality and safety for victims and their relatives in accordance with the law.

Author: Thanh Tuyen
Translator: Ms.Thao

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