Binh Phuoc promotes investment with its Thailand partner

Friday - 22/04/2022 09:46 1787
(BP Portal) - Online Investment promotion seminar with ThaiLand partners organized by Binh Phuoc provincial Peoples' Committee in cooperation with the Technical infrastructure Development Corporation Becamex – Binh Phuoc this afternoon, April 21, to receive very great attention and evaluation from managers and investors from ThaiLand.
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On the province's side Binh Phuoc is attended by Mrs.Tran Tue Hien- Deputy Secretary of Provincial Committee, Chairman of the Provincial Peole’s Committee; Mr.Pham Ngoc Thuan - General Director of Becamex IDC Corporation; Mr.Nguyen Thanh Nha - General manager of the joint management company for Development of Technical infrastructure Becamex – Binh Phuoc and to lead the relevant departments and branches.

Attending the conference were also: Mrs. Wi-ra-ka Mood-hi-ta-porn -President of ThaiLand in Ho Chi Minh City, and Mr.A-pi-chit Pra-so-prat -vice president of the ThaiLand Industry Federation.

Speaking at the conference, Mrs. Tran Tue Hien - the president of the Provicial People's Committee said, Binh Phuoc has been active in developing modern and coherent technical structures and building relatively complete interregional and inter-regional communication systems. It is a good condition to be able to further attract foreign investment, especially ThaiLand investors.
We appreciate the potential of investors and expect large corporations, as well as ThaiLand and small smes to invest more in Binh Phuoc. We believe that with the strengths of technology, finance, international market networks and business management skills of ThaiLand enterprises, once combined with the advantages of Binh Phuoc, there will be tremendous and substantial benefits for both in the future.
Mrs.Tran Tue Hien - Deputy Secretary of Provincial committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee

Binh Phuoc was evaluated by managers and investors, especially by investors who have implemented a project in the province and experienced the investment conditions of Binh Phuoc. This is reflected in the paper: "The advantage of investing in Binh Phuoc, from the point of view of Thai Investor Lan"; "Binh Phuoc Main gateway to global markets"; "Binh Phuoc - The best industry zone to invest”...

Based on the advantages of infrastructure, labor markets, material sources, geographic locations, especially preferential policy, Binh Phuoc was an attractive destination for investors. Binh Phuoc also pledged to co-operate with investors with a "4 good" platform: good infrastructure, good personnel, good policies and good public services.
Binh Phuoc now has 13 industrial zones with a total area of more than 6.000 ha that have been fully invested in infrastructure and operational and 8 industrial clusters with an area of 380 ha. To meet economic development needs, attract investment by 2030, Binh Phuoc will continue its new planning and expand several industrial zones covering an area of about 10.600 hectares. In this state, the Becamex – Binh Phuoc industrial park alone, covering a total area of 2.449 hectares, has an investment capital of about $1 billion. An industrial park, built on a large and modern scale, has a very favorable infrastructure for investors.

To date, the province has attracted 350 foreign investment projects with a total investment of US $346 million from various countries and territories; Of this, 24 ThaiLand investors' projects with total investment of $375.5 million; The main investment areas are animal husbandry and processing of products from livestock meat and poultry; Producing animal feeds. Binh Phuoc is where the leading Thailand corporations in the animal husbandry industry, such as C.P group, ThaiFood Corporation (Enterprise inVietNam is Thai Viet Corporation), believe in the choice to place a livestock production chain with farm systems, food factories, and factories to slaughter and process livestock products. A Food manufacturing company, CPV Food, made by the C.P corporation for a total investment of nearly us $200 million./.
Translator: Ms.Thao

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