The Health Ministry shall issue new guidelines on post COVID-19 examination and treatment

Tuesday - 26/04/2022 15:05 837
(BP Portal) - The Ministry of Health directs the heads of the Health Services of the provinces and cities and the heads of the units under the Ministry of Health and Health to seriously organize the implementation and implementation of a number of contents to effectively carry out the medical examination and treatment of people after suffering from COVID-19 (post- COVID-19).

Avoid abuse appoint post-CoviD-19 medical examination.

The Ministry of Health has written a report to hospitals under the Ministry of Health and the provincial health services; Health departments on post-CoviD-19 examination and treatment.

According to the Ministry of Health, in light of the current epidemic COVID-19, the number of people with COVID-19 has been increasing throughout the provinces, with some people showing prolonged signs, symptoms affecting their health or their ability and needing medical checkups.

In order to effectively inspect and cure people after COVID-19 (post-COVID-19) in the current period, the Ministry of Health directs, heads of the Provincial Health Services, heads of units under the Ministry of Health and Health, ministries and branches shall strictly organize the deployment and implementation of a number of concrete contents:

COVID-19 examination and treatment facilities for patients (adults and children) in case of illness and post-Covid-19 are followed by specific instructions issued by the Ministry of Health, such as COVID-19 Diagnostic and Treatment Guidelines, including Manual for rehabilitation of persons with COVID-19 following hospital leave, mental health care; Guideline for rehabilitation of acute respiratory infections by SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)...

To carry out the communications and advertising of medical examination, treatment and post-covid-19 examination must comply with the provisions in The Ministry of Health's Circular No.09/2015/TT-BYT of May 25, 2015 providing regulations on certifying the advertising contents towards special products, goods and services under the management of the Ministry of Health.

The Ministry of Health also calls for the strengthening of inspection and supervision of medical examination and treatment activities at departments and specialized departments.

When do people need to get post-covid-19 examination?

The Ministry of Health has requested that the institutions to examine and treat disease in order to increase communication and awareness so that people understand correctly and fully the signs and symptoms of post-Covid-19 at the time when people need to receive appropriate medical examination, treatment and examination and treatment, to avoid excessive anxiety and panic from the prescribed abuse of the institutions of examination and treatment.

Some of the main media contents include:

- After COVID-19, some who are late for recovery need to be monitored.

- Post-CoviD-19 occurs in people with a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection with symptoms that appear during or after COVID-19 infection, which lasted 12 weeks and cannot be explained by any other diagnosis (according to the World Health Organization and the NICE Institute- United Kingdom).

- Post COVID symptoms are diverse: up to 203 different symptoms may appear after COVID-19 has recovered, either persists from the start, or relapses over time. The most common symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, joint muscle pain, loss of taste or smell, cognitive impairment, sleep disorders, cough, chest pain… and so on.

- When signs and symptoms of post-covid-19 prolonged deterioration in people's health affects their ability to go back to work or to participate in social life, people need health checks.

- General or special-medical examination and treatment establishments conducting post-CoviD-19 examination and treatment according to the licensed scope of professional operation.

- People do not use unknown drugs, drugs are not licensed for circulation of products or oral remedies or by unorthodox sources.

- Some other media content must be based on recommendations, guidelines, and internationally reliable scientific evidence.

The Ministry of Health assigned the Department of Management of medical examination, treatment and inspection of the Ministry and the Provincial Health Services to reinforce inspection and supervision of their respective medical examination and treatment establishments and their respective medical establishments in their respective areas, relating to professional activities, information and advertising medical examination and treatment so as to promptly solve difficulties, troubles, reorganize and handle any violations.

At the same time, the Ministry of Health assigned the Department of Medical Examination and treatment to coordinate with the concerned departments and departments and experts in continuing the research, updating, and proposing the issuance of specialized instructions and training for improving the quality of medical examination and treatment for people, and other medical subjects.
Translator: Ms.Thao

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