Foreign exchange between the government and the people of 2 border communes Bu Gia Map and Sen Monorum

Monday - 04/12/2023 08:46

(Binh Phuoc Portal) - On November 24, 2023, Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Binh Phuoc province - Mr. Do Dai Dong and representatives of leaders of departments and branches of Bu Gia Map district attended the foreign exchange program between the government and the people of Bu Gia Map communes, Bu Gia Mập district, Binh Phuoc province, Vietnam and Sen Monorum, O Rang district, Mondulkiri province, Kingdom of Cambodia, in 2023.

Vietnam - Cambodia are two neighboring countries with similarities in geography, climate and history. The good solidarity relationship between the two countries and peoples is always respected and preserved. That relationship was shaped and developed from the common requirements and goals of the struggle for national liberation of the two countries. The solidarity fought between the two countries in the years of resistance war against colonialism - imperialism was initiated by President Ho Chi Minh and the leaders of the Cambodian national liberation movement, creating great common strength for the army and people of the two countries to realize the goal of independence and freedom.

Binh Phuoc Province is adjacent to 4 districts of Orang, Keosima, Snuol and Mimot in the 3 provinces: Tbong Khmum, Kratie and Mondulkiri of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Over the years, the Party Committee, government, armed forces and people of Binh Phuoc province have implemented many programs and activities to link, exchange and support each other with bordering provinces, bringing many positive results. Every year, the province implements many practical cooperation programs such as organizing delegations to visit, medical examination and treatment, medicine, support to raise their steps to school for disadvantaged children and give gifts to the people of border provinces of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

The organization of the exchange program between the two border communes Bu Gia Map and Sen Monorum is an opportunity for the people from all walks of life, especially the young generation of the two communes, to be more deeply aware and more responsible in preserving and constantly cultivating the good values of the traditional friendship and solidarity between the two peoples. At the same time, promoting the exchange of cooperation in economics, trade, culture, health, education, defense - security... contribute to building the border line between the two communes of peace, friendship, stability and development, for the peace of the people, and at the same time cultivate the relationship between the two countries, the two peoples develop well, forever green, forever sustainable.

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Delegates attended the foreign exchange program between the government and the people of Bu Gia Map communes and Sen Monorum commune.
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Delegates witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding on the cooperation agreement program between the leaders of Bu Gia Map and Sen Monorum communes.
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Meaningful gifts were given to leaders of Sen Monorum commune and O Rang district
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Leaders of two border districts gave meaningful gifts to each other at the program

Author of the article: According to Radio - TV and Binh Phuoc Newspaper
Translator: Ms.Thao

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