Tourism projects calling for investments: Ben Truong Doi Eco-tourism Park

Thứ ba - 25/02/2020 10:43 1.084 0
Tourism projects calling for investments: Ben Truong Doi Eco-tourism Park
Tourism projects calling for investments: Ben Truong Doi Eco-tourism Park
- Objective: Construct the youth entertainment area, sports area, finishing area, resort, miniature world area, world flower garden
- Location: Ward 1, ward 2, Tay Ninh city.
- Scale: 99.6 ha.
- Traffic System: The project is located right at the centre of the city which is very convenient for developing and connecting with the tourism areas inside and outside the province and international tourism areas.
- Potential: Beautiful landscape, suitable for many different entertainment types; it is necessary to have a entertainment complex at the centre of Tay Ninh city for the people.

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