CO.OP MART Dong Xoai Supermarket

Thứ hai - 15/06/2020 15:56 5.344 0
(BP Portal)-Co.opMart Dong Xoai Supermarket (one of 40 Co.opMart systems available in Ho Chi Minh City and the provinces in the South Central Coast) under Saigon Co.op and Saigon Co.op Development Investment Joint Stock Company, is the place to exchange and go shopping of the local people in particular and people in Binh Phuoc province in general. The supermarket was opened on 19 May 2009, covering an area of 6,400 m2 , located in the center of Dong Xoai city, its facade orients towards Phu Rieng Do Street, and its left hand side is Dong Xoai market.
Although it has been newly established and operated, up to now, Co.opMart is considered to be the reliable shopping address by the local people.
Thanks to the professional working styles of the staff, high quality of the items and price stabilization programs, Co.opMart Dong Xoai is the reliable shopping address, a close friend of every one, every home.


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