Department of Information and Communications

Thứ tư - 11/03/2020 14:44 1.647 0
Address: 14 Highway, Dong Xoai City, Binh Phuoc Province
Tel: (+84) 02713.888.207
Fax: (+84) 02713.888.201

* Board of leaders
Director : Nguyen Minh Quang

Vice Director: Truong Dinh Vu
0271.3 860 555
Vice Director: Vu Sao Sang
0271. 3860 888

* Position and Functions

- Department of Information and Communications is a specialized agency under supervision of the Provincial People’s Committee (PPC); functioning as state management agency on  press; publication; postal and mail services; telecommunications and internet; broadcasting; frequencies of wireless electricity; IT, electronics; radio and television; infrastructure of information and communications; press advertisement; computer information network and publication (hereafter called information and communications for short); public services under Department’s management; and some other duties according to the PPC’s authority and Vietnamese law.

- Department of Information and Communications has legal status, its own seal and account and is under guidance and management on organization and personnel of the PPC as well as specialized guidance of Ministry of Information and Communications.


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