Success gained from the chain of production linkage

Monday - 05/06/2023 15:39 698

(BP Portal) - Starting a business with Binh Phuoc cashew nut, Golden Cashew Co., Ltd., Bu Nho commune, Phu Rieng district, has always focused on building a closed production process chain since its establishment, creating Binh Phuoc branded products that meet national standards and the strict criteria of the world market. Up to now, the company has built a clean and stable raw material area in terms of area, output and quality. From clean and standard input materials, Binh Phuoc cashew nuts have helped the company create specialized quality products, getting into fastidious markets.

Building an on-site material zone

Talking about his start-up process, Vu Manh Tung, Director of Golden Cashew Co., Ltd., Director of Hoa Phu Clean Agricultural Cooperative (Hoa Phu Cooperative), Bu Nho Commune said: After learning some economic models, I decided to choose Binh Phuoc to start a business from cashew nuts, participating in deep processing of products from Binh Phuoc cashew nuts.

To meet the actual needs of customers from many demanding markets in the world that asked for clean raw material areas and clean products, Tung established Hoa Phu Cooperative to create a stable and quality input material source for his company. Tung said: Hoa Phu Cooperative was established in March 2021. Currently, the cooperative has 56 members, including 5 engineers and 15 party members, with a total material area of more than 300 hectares. The cooperative operates under a new-style and efficient agricultural model associated with linking production and consumption of products through the value chain and the application of hi-tech agriculture, and production according to quality standards and good agricultural practices. All cooperative members have been committed to applying clean production, then moving towards organic products.

Experts of Futaba Sankyo Company (Japan) study the process of soil improvement at the cashew garden of Hoa Phu Cooperative

In the early stage, local cashew smallholder farmers were responsible for the raw material area of the cooperative. To switch to producing clean products, it takes time to change the farming process. Therefore, Tung and the members of the cooperative have collaborated with Japanese partners who are leading experts in the production of microbial organic fertilizers to serve the farming process of households' cashew orchards. Tsu Chida, Technical Director of Futaba Sankyo Company (Japan) said: We have cooperated with Hoa Phu Cooperative and Golden Cashew Co., Ltd., to produce organic fertilizers for agricultural use. The first is to improve the land for the cashew area of Hoa Phu cooperative members to increase the yield of cashew trees. In the future, we will produce other products, both improving the soil and increasing the nutrition of crops.

Ha Thanh Thuan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hoa Phu Cooperative said: In the first phase, the cooperative has cooperated with Futaba Sankyo Company (Japan) to produce fertilizer products for soil improvement according to Japanese technology. After that, we will produce microbial organic and mineral organic fertilizers to serve cashew orchards and other orchards of the cooperative. These products will first be used by Cooperative members to serve the clean production process, then replicated among households in the area.

After nearly two years of cooperation, the soil improvement of cashew cultivation for the cooperative members has made good changes. Out of a total of 300 hectares, 193 hectares of cashew give an average yield of 2 tons/hectare. On average, for each crop, the cooperative has provided nearly 400 tons of raw cashew nuts as input materials for Golden Cashew Co., Ltd. With this output, it can meet 50% of input materials for the purchasing associate, which is the Golden Cashew Co., Ltd, and also a member of the cooperative.

HA THANH THUAN, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hoa Phu Cooperative

Making the "made in Binh Phuoc" products go far

Having a clean and qualified raw material area, and stable output have helped Golden Cashew Co., Ltd. create quality products and a testimony to that is the fact that the company's products are all recognized as OCOP products, meeting the criteria of fastidious markets. Tung added: We have researched and marketed eight products that are intensively processed from Binh Phuoc cashew nuts. The company's products have been present in main markets such as Europe, Brunei, Japan, South Korea, the United States, and Australia. Besides, we exported the first container truck to the U.S. market this April. On average, the company sells 100-150 thousand bags of products each year.

As a young enterprise, from the beginning of its start-up, Golden Cashew Co., Ltd. has determined the goal of "conquering the fastidious market is the way to affirm the brand". However, to conquer such markets, it is necessary to create high-quality products that are suitable for the market's diversity. Tung shared: With such a goal, in the past time, the company has built a closed production process from the stage of building a stable raw material area and clean production to focusing on caring and improving product quality to meet market demand rather than focusing on quantity development.

Golden Cashew Co., Ltd. has focused on building and affirming its brand with very positive results. Up to now, the unit has four products that have achieved 4-star OCOP certification, and three others in the process of making documents for submission to governments at all levels to be recognized as 5-star OCOP products. In 2021, the company's products were recognized as typical rural industrial products at national level and Vietnamese gold-quality products.

Binh Phuoc cashew businesses have traded in deeply processed products from cashew nuts for many years. This is a good news in the Binh Phuoc cashew industry when the business owners have changed their mindset to create many "made in Binh Phuoc, made in Vietnam" cashew nut brands for the world market. And Golden Cashew Co., Ltdis one of the leading units with a closed production model from raw materials to intensive processing. Good implementation of strict standards has helped the products of Golden Cashew Co., Ltd. increasingly assert its brand in the domestic and international markets, thereby contributing to making the Binh Phuoc cashew brand go far./.

According to: Radio - Television and Newspaper Binh Phuoc

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